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   quotagrpadmins    ( 5 )

пользователи, ответственные за использование группового диска (users responsible for group disk usage)

Имя (Name)

quotagrpadmins - users responsible for group disk usage

Синопсис (Synopsis)


Описание (Description)

The quotagrpadmins file lists administrators of user groups who
       will receive a warning if warnquota --group command finds a group
       exceeding its disk usage limits.

Each line consists of a group name followed by a colon and a user name. White space characters surrounding the names are allowed. Empty lines or lines starting with a hash sign or a semicolon are ignored.

Примеры (Examples)

# comment
       users: root

Файлы (Files)

              list of group administrators

Смотри также (See also)
