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   quotatab    ( 5 )

описание устройств с дисковыми квотами (Descriptions of devices with disk quotas)

Имя (Name)

quotatab - Descriptions of devices with disk quotas

Синопсис (Synopsis)


Описание (Description)

The quotatab file lists human descriptions of devices for the
       purpose of warnquota(8) notifications.

Each line consists of a device path name followed by a colon and a description. White space, apostrophe, and double quote characters surrounding the names and descriptions will be stripped. The description field can encode a new-line as a pipe character.

Empty lines or lines starting with a hash sign or a semicolon are ignored.

Примеры (Examples)

# comment
       /dev/sda2: Home directories.|This becomes the second line.

Файлы (Files)

              list of device descriptions

Смотри также (See also)
