конфигурация блока розеток (Socket unit configuration)
Автоматические зависимости (Automatic dependencies)
Implicit Dependencies
The following dependencies are implicitly added:
• Socket units automatically gain a Before= dependency on the
service units they activate.
• Socket units referring to file system paths (such as AF_UNIX
sockets or FIFOs) implicitly gain Requires= and After=
dependencies on all mount units necessary to access those
• Socket units using the BindToDevice= setting automatically
gain a BindsTo= and After= dependency on the device unit
encapsulating the specified network interface.
Additional implicit dependencies may be added as result of
execution and resource control parameters as documented in
systemd.exec(5) and systemd.resource-control(5).
Default Dependencies
The following dependencies are added unless
DefaultDependencies=no is set:
• Socket units automatically gain a Before= dependency on
• Socket units automatically gain a pair of After= and
Requires= dependency on sysinit.target, and a pair of Before=
and Conflicts= dependencies on shutdown.target. These
dependencies ensure that the socket unit is started before
normal services at boot, and is stopped on shutdown. Only
sockets involved with early boot or late system shutdown
should disable DefaultDependencies= option.