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   systemd.unit    ( 5 )

конфигурация агрегата (Unit configuration)


The system and service manager loads a unit's configuration automatically when a unit is referenced for the first time. It will automatically unload the unit configuration and state again when the unit is not needed anymore ("garbage collection"). A unit may be referenced through a number of different mechanisms:

1. Another loaded unit references it with a dependency such as After=, Wants=, ...

2. The unit is currently starting, running, reloading or stopping.

3. The unit is currently in the failed state. (But see below.)

4. A job for the unit is pending.

5. The unit is pinned by an active IPC client program.

6. The unit is a special "perpetual" unit that is always active and loaded. Examples for perpetual units are the root mount unit -.mount or the scope unit init.scope that the service manager itself lives in.

7. The unit has running processes associated with it.

The garbage collection logic may be altered with the CollectMode= option, which allows configuration whether automatic unloading of units that are in failed state is permissible, see below.

Note that when a unit's configuration and state is unloaded, all execution results, such as exit codes, exit signals, resource consumption and other statistics are lost, except for what is stored in the log subsystem.

Use systemctl daemon-reload or an equivalent command to reload unit configuration while the unit is already loaded. In this case all configuration settings are flushed out and replaced with the new configuration (which however might not be in effect immediately), however all runtime state is saved/restored.