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   yum.conf    ( 5 )

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baseurl list

List of URLs for the repository. Defaults to [].

URLs are tried in the listed order (equivalent to yum's 'failovermethod=priority' behaviour).

cost integer

The relative cost of accessing this repository, defaulting to 1000. This value is compared when the priorities of two repositories are the same. The repository with the lowest cost is picked. It is useful to make the library prefer on-disk repositories to remote ones.

enabled boolean

Include this repository as a package source. The default is True.

gpgkey list of strings

URLs of a GPG key files that can be used for signing metadata and packages of this repository, empty by default. If a file can not be verified using the already imported keys, import of keys from this option is attempted and the keys are then used for verification.

metalink string

URL of a metalink for the repository. Defaults to None.

mirrorlist string

URL of a mirrorlist for the repository. Defaults to None.

module_hotfixes boolean

Set this to True to disable module RPM filtering and make all RPMs from the repository available. The default is False. This allows user to create a repository with cherry-picked hotfixes that are included in a package set on a modular system.

name string

A human-readable name of the repository. Defaults to the ID of the repository.

priority integer

The priority value of this repository, default is 99. If there is more than one candidate package for a particular operation, the one from a repo with the lowest priority value is picked, possibly despite being less convenient otherwise (e.g. by being a lower version).

type string

Type of repository metadata. Supported values are: rpm-md. Aliases for rpm-md: rpm, repomd, rpmmd, yum, YUM.