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   gitfaq    ( 7 )

Часто задаваемые вопросы об использовании Git (Frequently asked questions about using Git)

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I'm on Windows and my text files are detected as binary. Git works best when you store text files as UTF-8. Many programs on Windows support UTF-8, but some do not and only use the little-endian UTF-16 format, which Git detects as binary. If you can't use UTF-8 with your programs, you can specify a working tree encoding that indicates which encoding your files should be checked out with, while still storing these files as UTF-8 in the repository. This allows tools like git-diff(1) to work as expected, while still allowing your tools to work.

To do so, you can specify a gitattributes(5) pattern with the working-tree-encoding attribute. For example, the following pattern sets all C files to use UTF-16LE-BOM, which is a common encoding on Windows:

*.c working-tree-encoding=UTF-16LE-BOM

You will need to run git add --renormalize to have this take effect. Note that if you are making these changes on a project that is used across platforms, you'll probably want to make it in a per-user configuration file or in the one in $GIT_DIR/info/attributes, since making it in a .gitattributes file in the repository will apply to all users of the repository.

See the following entry for information about normalizing line endings as well, and see gitattributes(5) for more information about attribute files.

I'm on Windows and git diff shows my files as having a ^M at the end. By default, Git expects files to be stored with Unix line endings. As such, the carriage return (^M) that is part of a Windows line ending is shown because it is considered to be trailing whitespace. Git defaults to showing trailing whitespace only on new lines, not existing ones.

You can store the files in the repository with Unix line endings and convert them automatically to your platform's line endings. To do that, set the configuration option core.eol to native and see the following entry for information about how to configure files as text or binary.

You can also control this behavior with the core.whitespace setting if you don't wish to remove the carriage returns from your line endings.

Why do I have a file that's always modified? Internally, Git always stores file names as sequences of bytes and doesn't perform any encoding or case folding. However, Windows and macOS by default both perform case folding on file names. As a result, it's possible to end up with multiple files or directories whose names differ only in case. Git can handle this just fine, but the file system can store only one of these files, so when Git reads the other file to see its contents, it looks modified.

It's best to remove one of the files such that you only have one file. You can do this with commands like the following (assuming two files AFile.txt and afile.txt) on an otherwise clean working tree:

$ git rm --cached AFile.txt $ git commit -m 'Remove files conflicting in case' $ git checkout .

This avoids touching the disk, but removes the additional file. Your project may prefer to adopt a naming convention, such as all-lowercase names, to avoid this problem from occurring again; such a convention can be checked using a pre-receive hook or as part of a continuous integration (CI) system.

It is also possible for perpetually modified files to occur on any platform if a smudge or clean filter is in use on your system but a file was previously committed without running the smudge or clean filter. To fix this, run the following on an otherwise clean working tree:

$ git add --renormalize .

What's the recommended way to store files in Git? While Git can store and handle any file of any type, there are some settings that work better than others. In general, we recommend that text files be stored in UTF-8 without a byte-order mark (BOM) with LF (Unix-style) endings. We also recommend the use of UTF-8 (again, without BOM) in commit messages. These are the settings that work best across platforms and with tools such as git diff and git merge.

Additionally, if you have a choice between storage formats that are text based or non-text based, we recommend storing files in the text format and, if necessary, transforming them into the other format. For example, a text-based SQL dump with one record per line will work much better for diffing and merging than an actual database file. Similarly, text-based formats such as Markdown and AsciiDoc will work better than binary formats such as Microsoft Word and PDF.

Similarly, storing binary dependencies (e.g., shared libraries or JAR files) or build products in the repository is generally not recommended. Dependencies and build products are best stored on an artifact or package server with only references, URLs, and hashes stored in the repository.

We also recommend setting a gitattributes(5) file to explicitly mark which files are text and which are binary. If you want Git to guess, you can set the attribute text=auto. For example, the following might be appropriate in some projects:

# By default, guess. * text=auto # Mark all C files as text. *.c text # Mark all JPEG files as binary. *.jpg binary

These settings help tools pick the right format for output such as patches and result in files being checked out in the appropriate line ending for the platform.