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   agetty    ( 8 )

альтернативный Linux getty (alternative Linux getty)

  Name  |  Synopsis  |  Description  |  Arguments  |  Options  |  Examples  |  Security notice  |    Issue files    |  Files  |  Bugs  |  Diagnostic  |


The default issue file is /etc/issue. If the file exists, then agetty also checks for /etc/issue.d directory. The directory is optional extension to the default issue file and content of the directory is printed after /etc/issue content. If the /etc/issue does not exist, then the directory is ignored. All files with .issue extension from the directory are printed in version-sort order. The directory can be used to maintain 3rd-party messages independently on the primary system /etc/issue file.

Since version 2.35 additional locations for issue file and directory are supported. If the default /etc/issue does not exist, then agetty checks for /run/issue and /run/issue.d, thereafter for /usr/lib/issue and /usr/lib/issue.d. The directory /etc is expected for host specific configuration, /run is expected for generated stuff and /usr/lib for static distribution maintained configuration.

The default path maybe overridden by --issue-file option. In this case specified path has to be file or directory and all the default issue file and directory locations are ignored.

The issue file feature can be completely disabled by --noissue option.

It is possible to review the current issue file by agetty --show-issue on the current terminal.

The issue files may contain certain escape codes to display the system name, date, time et cetera. All escape codes consist of a backslash (\) immediately followed by one of the characters listed below.

4 or 4{interface} Insert the IPv4 address of the specified network interface (for example: \4{eth0}). If the interface argument is not specified, then select the first fully configured (UP, non-LOCALBACK, RUNNING) interface. If not any configured interface is found, fall back to the IP address of the machine's hostname.

6 or 6{interface} The same as \4 but for IPv6.

b Insert the baudrate of the current line.

d Insert the current date.

e or e{name} Translate the human-readable name to an escape sequence and insert it (for example: \e{red}Alert text.\e{reset}). If the name argument is not specified, then insert \033. The currently supported names are: black, blink, blue, bold, brown, cyan, darkgray, gray, green, halfbright, lightblue, lightcyan, lightgray, lightgreen, lightmagenta, lightred, magenta, red, reset, reverse, yellow and white. All unknown names are silently ignored.

s Insert the system name (the name of the operating system). Same as 'uname -s'. See also the \S escape code.

S or S{VARIABLE} Insert the VARIABLE data from /etc/os-release. If this file does not exist then fall back to /usr/lib/os-release. If the VARIABLE argument is not specified, then use PRETTY_NAME from the file or the system name (see \s). This escape code can be used to keep /etc/issue distribution and release independent. Note that \S{ANSI_COLOR} is converted to the real terminal escape sequence.

l Insert the name of the current tty line.

m Insert the architecture identifier of the machine. Same as uname -m.

n Insert the nodename of the machine, also known as the hostname. Same as uname -n.

o Insert the NIS domainname of the machine. Same as hostname -d.

O Insert the DNS domainname of the machine.

r Insert the release number of the OS. Same as uname -r.

t Insert the current time.

u Insert the number of current users logged in.

U Insert the string "1 user" or "<n> users" where <n> is the number of current users logged in.

v Insert the version of the OS, that is, the build-date and such.

An example. On my system, the following /etc/issue file:

This is \n.\o (\s \m \r) \t

displays as:

This is thingol.orcan.dk (Linux i386 1.1.9) 18:29:30