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   pmie    ( 1 )

механизм вывода для показателей производительности (inference engine for performance metrics)


Macros are defined using expressions of the form:

name = constexpr;

Where name follows the normal rules for variables in programming languages, ie. alphabetic optionally followed by alphanumerics. constexpr must be a constant expression, either a string (enclosed in double quotes) or an arithmetic expression optionally followed by a scale factor.

Macros are expanded when their name, prefixed by a dollar ($) appears in an expression, and macros may be nested within a constexpr string.

The following reserved macro names are understood.

minute Current minute of the hour.

hour Current hour of the day, in the range 0 to 23.

day Current day of the month, in the range 1 to 31.

month Current month of the year, in the range 0 (January) to 11 (December).

year Current year.

day_of_week Current day of the week, in the range 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday).

delta Sample interval in effect for this expression.

Dates and times are presented in the reporting time zone (see description of -Z and -z command line options above).