The following parameters are widely used in TC. For other
parameters, see the man pages for individual qdiscs.
RATES Bandwidths or rates. These parameters accept a floating
point number, possibly followed by either a unit (both SI
and IEC units supported), or a float followed by a '%'
character to specify the rate as a percentage of the
device's speed (e.g. 5%, 99.5%). Warning: specifying the
rate as a percentage means a fraction of the current
speed; if the speed changes, the value will not be
bit or a bare number
Bits per second
kbit Kilobits per second
mbit Megabits per second
gbit Gigabits per second
tbit Terabits per second
bps Bytes per second
kbps Kilobytes per second
mbps Megabytes per second
gbps Gigabytes per second
tbps Terabytes per second
To specify in IEC units, replace the SI prefix (k-, m-,
g-, t-) with IEC prefix (ki-, mi-, gi- and ti-)
TC store rates as a 32-bit unsigned integer in bps
internally, so we can specify a max rate of 4294967295
TIMES Length of time. Can be specified as a floating point
number followed by an optional unit:
s, sec or secs
Whole seconds
ms, msec or msecs
us, usec, usecs or a bare number
TC defined its own time unit (equal to microsecond) and
stores time values as 32-bit unsigned integer, thus we can
specify a max time value of 4294967295 usecs.
SIZES Amounts of data. Can be specified as a floating point
number followed by an optional unit:
b or a bare number
kbit Kilobits
kb or k
mbit Megabits
mb or m
gbit Gigabits
gb or g
TC stores sizes internally as 32-bit unsigned integer in
byte, so we can specify a max size of 4294967295 bytes.
VALUES Other values without a unit. These parameters are
interpreted as decimal by default, but you can indicate TC
to interpret them as octal and hexadecimal by adding a '0'
or '0x' prefix respectively.