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   pmseries    ( 1 )

отображать информацию о таймсериях показателей производительности (display information about performance metric timeseries)

Параметры (Options)

The available command line options, in addition to timeseries
       metadata and sources options described above, are:

-c config, --config=config Specify the config file to use.

-h host, --host=host Connect Redis server at host, rather than the one the localhost.

-L, --load Load timeseries metadata and data into the Redis cluster.

-p port, --port=port Connect Redis server at port, rather than the default 6379.

-q, --query Perform a timeseries query. This is the default action.

-t, --times Report time stamps numerically (in milliseconds) instead of the default human readable form.

-v, --values Report all of the known values for given label name(s).

-V, --version Display version number and exit.

-Z timezone, --timezone=timezone Use timezone for the date and time. Timezone is in the format of the environment variable TZ as described in environ(7).

-?, --help Display usage message and exit.