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   resolvconf    ( 1 )

разрешить доменные имена, адреса IPV4 и IPv6, записи ресурсов DNS и службы; проанализировать и перенастроить распознаватель DNS (Resolve domain names, IPV4 and IPv6 addresses, DNS resource records, and services; introspect and reconfigure the DNS resolver)

Параметры (Options)

-4, -6
           By default, when resolving a hostname, both IPv4 and IPv6
           addresses are acquired. By specifying -4 only IPv4 addresses
           are requested, by specifying -6 only IPv6 addresses are

-i INTERFACE, --interface=INTERFACE Specifies the network interface to execute the query on. This may either be specified as numeric interface index or as network interface string (e.g. "en0"). Note that this option has no effect if system-wide DNS configuration (as configured in /etc/resolv.conf or /etc/systemd/resolved.conf) in place of per-link configuration is used.

-p PROTOCOL, --protocol=PROTOCOL Specifies the network protocol for the query. May be one of "dns" (i.e. classic unicast DNS), "llmnr" (Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution[5]), "llmnr-ipv4", "llmnr-ipv6" (LLMNR via the indicated underlying IP protocols), "mdns" (Multicast DNS[6]), "mdns-ipv4", "mdns-ipv6" (MDNS via the indicated underlying IP protocols). By default the lookup is done via all protocols suitable for the lookup. If used, limits the set of protocols that may be used. Use this option multiple times to enable resolving via multiple protocols at the same time. The setting "llmnr" is identical to specifying this switch once with "llmnr-ipv4" and once via "llmnr-ipv6". Note that this option does not force the service to resolve the operation with the specified protocol, as that might require a suitable network interface and configuration. The special value "help" may be used to list known values.

-t TYPE, --type=TYPE, -c CLASS, --class=CLASS When used in conjunction with the query command, specifies the DNS resource record type (e.g. A, AAAA, MX, ...) and class (e.g. IN, ANY, ...) to look up. If these options are used a DNS resource record set matching the specified class and type is requested. The class defaults to IN if only a type is specified. The special value "help" may be used to list known values.

Without these options resolvectl query provides high-level domain name to address and address to domain name resolution. With these options it provides low-level DNS resource record resolution. The search domain logic is automatically turned off when these options are used, i.e. specified domain names need to be fully qualified domain names. Moreover, IDNA internal domain name translation is turned off as well, i.e. international domain names should be specified in "xn--..." notation, unless look-up in MulticastDNS/LLMNR is desired, in which case UTF-8 characters should be used.

--service-address=BOOL Takes a boolean parameter. If true (the default), when doing a service lookup with --service the hostnames contained in the SRV resource records are resolved as well.

--service-txt=BOOL Takes a boolean parameter. If true (the default), when doing a DNS-SD service lookup with --service the TXT service metadata record is resolved as well.

--cname=BOOL Takes a boolean parameter. If true (the default), DNS CNAME or DNAME redirections are followed. Otherwise, if a CNAME or DNAME record is encountered while resolving, an error is returned.

--validate=BOOL Takes a boolean parameter; used in conjunction with query. If true (the default), DNSSEC validation is applied as usual — under the condition that it is enabled for the network and for systemd-resolved.service as a whole. If false, DNSSEC validation is disabled for the specific query, regardless of whether it is enabled for the network or in the service. Note that setting this option to true does not force DNSSEC validation on systems/networks where DNSSEC is turned off. This option is only suitable to turn off such validation where otherwise enabled, not enable validation where otherwise disabled.

--synthesize=BOOL Takes a boolean parameter; used in conjunction with query. If true (the default), select domains are resolved on the local system, among them "localhost", "_gateway" and "_outbound", or entries from /etc/hosts. If false these domains are not resolved locally, and either fail (in case of "localhost", "_gateway" or "_outbound" and suchlike) or go to the network via regular DNS/mDNS/LLMNR lookups (in case of /etc/hosts entries).

--cache=BOOL Takes a boolean parameter; used in conjunction with query. If true (the default), lookups use the local DNS resource record cache. If false, lookups are routed to the network instead, regardless if already available in the local cache.

--zone=BOOL Takes a boolean parameter; used in conjunction with query. If true (the default), lookups are answered from locally registered LLMNR or mDNS resource records, if defined. If false, locally registered LLMNR/mDNS records are not considered for the lookup request.

--trust-anchor=BOOL Takes a boolean parameter; used in conjunction with query. If true (the default), lookups for DS and DNSKEY are answered from the local DNSSEC trust anchors if possible. If false, the local trust store is not considered for the lookup request.

--network=BOOL Takes a boolean parameter; used in conjunction with query. If true (the default), lookups are answered via DNS, LLMNR or mDNS network requests if they cannot be synthesized locally, or be answered from the local cache, zone or trust anchors (see above). If false, the request is not answered from the network and will thus fail if none of the indicated sources can answer them.

--search=BOOL Takes a boolean parameter. If true (the default), any specified single-label hostnames will be searched in the domains configured in the search domain list, if it is non-empty. Otherwise, the search domain logic is disabled. Note that this option has no effect if --type= is used (see above), in which case the search domain logic is unconditionally turned off.

--raw[=payload|packet] Dump the answer as binary data. If there is no argument or if the argument is "payload", the payload of the packet is exported. If the argument is "packet", the whole packet is dumped in wire format, prefixed by length specified as a little-endian 64-bit number. This format allows multiple packets to be dumped and unambiguously parsed.

--legend=BOOL Takes a boolean parameter. If true (the default), column headers and meta information about the query response are shown. Otherwise, this output is suppressed.

-h, --help Print a short help text and exit.

--version Print a short version string and exit.

--no-pager Do not pipe output into a pager.