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   sh.1p    ( 1 )

оболочка, стандартный интерпретатор командного языка (shell, the standard command language interpreter)

Обоснование (Rationale)

The sh utility and the set special built-in utility share a common set of options.

The name IFS was originally an abbreviation of ``Input Field Separators''; however, this name is misleading as the IFS characters are actually used as field terminators. One justification for ignoring the contents of IFS upon entry to the script, beyond security considerations, is to assist possible future shell compilers. Allowing IFS to be imported from the environment prevents many optimizations that might otherwise be performed via dataflow analysis of the script itself.

The text in the STDIN section about non-blocking reads concerns an instance of sh that has been invoked, probably by a C-language program, with standard input that has been opened using the O_NONBLOCK flag; see open() in the System Interfaces volume of POSIX.1‐2017. If the shell did not reset this flag, it would immediately terminate because no input data would be available yet and that would be considered the same as end-of-file.

The options associated with a restricted shell (command name rsh and the -r option) were excluded because the standard developers considered that the implied level of security could not be achieved and they did not want to raise false expectations.

On systems that support set-user-ID scripts, a historical trapdoor has been to link a script to the name -i. When it is called by a sequence such as:

sh -

or by:

#! usr/bin/sh -

the historical systems have assumed that no option letters follow. Thus, this volume of POSIX.1‐2017 allows the single <hyphen-minus> to mark the end of the options, in addition to the use of the regular "--" argument, because it was considered that the older practice was so pervasive. An alternative approach is taken by the KornShell, where real and effective user/group IDs must match for an interactive shell; this behavior is specifically allowed by this volume of POSIX.1‐2017.

Note: There are other problems with set-user-ID scripts that the two approaches described here do not resolve.

The initialization process for the history file can be dependent on the system start-up files, in that they may contain commands that effectively preempt the user's settings of HISTFILE and HISTSIZE. For example, function definition commands are recorded in the history file, unless the set -o nolog option is set. If the system administrator includes function definitions in some system start-up file called before the ENV file, the history file is initialized before the user gets a chance to influence its characteristics. In some historical shells, the history file is initialized just after the ENV file has been processed. Therefore, it is implementation-defined whether changes made to HISTFILE after the history file has been initialized are effective.

The default messages for the various MAIL-related messages are unspecified because they vary across implementations. Typical messages are:

"you have mail\n"


"you have new mail\n"

It is important that the descriptions of command line editing refer to the same shell as that in POSIX.1‐2008 so that interactive users can also be application programmers without having to deal with programmatic differences in their two environments. It is also essential that the utility name sh be specified because this explicit utility name is too firmly rooted in historical practice of application programs for it to change.

Consideration was given to mandating a diagnostic message when attempting to set vi-mode on terminals that do not support command line editing. However, it is not historical practice for the shell to be cognizant of all terminal types and thus be able to detect inappropriate terminals in all cases. Implementations are encouraged to supply diagnostics in this case whenever possible, rather than leaving the user in a state where editing commands work incorrectly.

In early proposals, the KornShell-derived emacs mode of command line editing was included, even though the emacs editor itself was not. The community of emacs proponents was adamant that the full emacs editor not be standardized because they were concerned that an attempt to standardize this very powerful environment would encourage vendors to ship strictly conforming versions lacking the extensibility required by the community. The author of the original emacs program also expressed his desire to omit the program. Furthermore, there were a number of historical systems that did not include emacs, or included it without supporting it, but there were very few that did not include and support vi. The shell emacs command line editing mode was finally omitted because it became apparent that the KornShell version and the editor being distributed with the GNU system had diverged in some respects. The author of emacs requested that the POSIX emacs mode either be deleted or have a significant number of unspecified conditions. Although the KornShell author agreed to consider changes to bring the shell into alignment, the standard developers decided to defer specification at that time. At the time, it was assumed that convergence on an acceptable definition would occur for a subsequent draft, but that has not happened, and there appears to be no impetus to do so. In any case, implementations are free to offer additional command line editing modes based on the exact models of editors their users are most comfortable with.

Early proposals had the following list entry in vi Line Editing Insert Mode:

\ If followed by the erase or kill character, that character shall be inserted into the input line. Otherwise, the <backslash> itself shall be inserted into the input line.

However, this is not actually a feature of sh command line editing insert mode, but one of some historical terminal line drivers. Some conforming implementations continue to do this when the stty iexten flag is set.

In interactive shells, SIGTERM is ignored so that kill 0 does not kill the shell, and SIGINT is caught so that wait is interruptible. If the shell does not ignore SIGTTIN, SIGTTOU, and SIGTSTP signals when it is interactive and the -m option is not in effect, these signals suspend the shell if it is not a session leader. If it is a session leader, the signals are discarded if they would stop the process, as required by the System Interfaces volume of POSIX.1‐2017, Section 2.4.3, Signal Actions for orphaned process groups.