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   dd.1p    ( 1 )

конвертировать и копировать файл (convert and copy a file)

Операнды (Operands)

All of the operands shall be processed before any input is read. The following operands shall be supported:

if=file Specify the input pathname; the default is standard input.

of=file Specify the output pathname; the default is standard output. If the seek=expr conversion is not also specified, the output file shall be truncated before the copy begins if an explicit of=file operand is specified, unless conv=notrunc is specified. If seek=expr is specified, but conv=notrunc is not, the effect of the copy shall be to preserve the blocks in the output file over which dd seeks, but no other portion of the output file shall be preserved. (If the size of the seek plus the size of the input file is less than the previous size of the output file, the output file shall be shortened by the copy. If the input file is empty and either the size of the seek is greater than the previous size of the output file or the output file did not previously exist, the size of the output file shall be set to the file offset after the seek.)

ibs=expr Specify the input block size, in bytes, by expr (default is 512).

obs=expr Specify the output block size, in bytes, by expr (default is 512).

bs=expr Set both input and output block sizes to expr bytes, superseding ibs= and obs=. If no conversion other than sync, noerror, and notrunc is specified, each input block shall be copied to the output as a single block without aggregating short blocks.

cbs=expr Specify the conversion block size for block and unblock in bytes by expr (default is zero). If cbs= is omitted or given a value of zero, using block or unblock produces unspecified results.

The application shall ensure that this operand is also specified if the conv= operand is specified with a value of ascii, ebcdic, or ibm. For a conv= operand with an ascii value, the input is handled as described for the unblock value, except that characters are converted to ASCII before any trailing <space> characters are deleted. For conv= operands with ebcdic or ibm values, the input is handled as described for the block value except that the characters are converted to EBCDIC or IBM EBCDIC, respectively, after any trailing <space> characters are added.

skip=n Skip n input blocks (using the specified input block size) before starting to copy. On seekable files, the implementation shall read the blocks or seek past them; on non-seekable files, the blocks shall be read and the data shall be discarded.

seek=n Skip n blocks (using the specified output block size) from the beginning of the output file before copying. On non-seekable files, existing blocks shall be read and space from the current end-of-file to the specified offset, if any, filled with null bytes; on seekable files, the implementation shall seek to the specified offset or read the blocks as described for non-seekable files.

count=n Copy only n input blocks. If n is zero, it is unspecified whether no blocks or all blocks are copied.

conv=value[,value ...] Where values are <comma>-separated symbols from the following list:

ascii Convert EBCDIC to ASCII; see Table 4-7, ASCII to EBCDIC Conversion.

ebcdic Convert ASCII to EBCDIC; see Table 4-7, ASCII to EBCDIC Conversion.

ibm Convert ASCII to a different EBCDIC set; see Table 4-8, ASCII to IBM EBCDIC Conversion.

The ascii, ebcdic, and ibm values are mutually- exclusive.

block Treat the input as a sequence of <newline>-terminated or end-of-file-terminated variable-length records independent of the input block boundaries. Each record shall be converted to a record with a fixed length specified by the conversion block size. Any <newline> shall be removed from the input line; <space> characters shall be appended to lines that are shorter than their conversion block size to fill the block. Lines that are longer than the conversion block size shall be truncated to the largest number of characters that fit into that size; the number of truncated lines shall be reported (see the STDERR section).

The block and unblock values are mutually- exclusive.

unblock Convert fixed-length records to variable length. Read a number of bytes equal to the conversion block size (or the number of bytes remaining in the input, if less than the conversion block size), delete all trailing <space> characters, and append a <newline>.

lcase Map uppercase characters specified by the LC_CTYPE keyword tolower to the corresponding lowercase character. Characters for which no mapping is specified shall not be modified by this conversion.

The lcase and ucase symbols are mutually- exclusive.

ucase Map lowercase characters specified by the LC_CTYPE keyword toupper to the corresponding uppercase character. Characters for which no mapping is specified shall not be modified by this conversion.

swab Swap every pair of input bytes.

noerror Do not stop processing on an input error. When an input error occurs, a diagnostic message shall be written on standard error, followed by the current input and output block counts in the same format as used at completion (see the STDERR section). If the sync conversion is specified, the missing input shall be replaced with null bytes and processed normally; otherwise, the input block shall be omitted from the output.

notrunc Do not truncate the output file. Preserve blocks in the output file not explicitly written by this invocation of the dd utility. (See also the preceding of=file operand.)

sync Pad every input block to the size of the ibs= buffer, appending null bytes. (If either block or unblock is also specified, append <space> characters, rather than null bytes.)

The behavior is unspecified if operands other than conv= are specified more than once.

For the bs=, cbs=, ibs=, and obs= operands, the application shall supply an expression specifying a size in bytes. The expression, expr, can be:

1. A positive decimal number

2. A positive decimal number followed by k, specifying multiplication by 1024

3. A positive decimal number followed by b, specifying multiplication by 512

4. Two or more positive decimal numbers (with or without k or b) separated by x, specifying the product of the indicated values

All of the operands are processed before any input is read.

The following two tables display the octal number character values used for the ascii and ebcdic conversions (first table) and for the ibm conversion (second table). In both tables, the ASCII values are the row and column headers and the EBCDIC values are found at their intersections. For example, ASCII 0012 (LF) is the second row, third column, yielding 0045 in EBCDIC. The inverted tables (for EBCDIC to ASCII conversion) are not shown, but are in one-to-one correspondence with these tables. The differences between the two tables are highlighted by small boxes drawn around five entries.

Table 4-7: ASCII to EBCDIC Conversion

Table 4-8: ASCII to IBM EBCDIC Conversion