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   tmux    ( 1 )

оконечный мультиплексор (terminal multiplexer)


tmux maintains a set of named paste buffers. Each buffer may be either explicitly or automatically named. Explicitly named buffers are named when created with the set-buffer or load-buffer commands, or by renaming an automatically named buffer with set-buffer -n. Automatically named buffers are given a name such as 'buffer0001', 'buffer0002' and so on. When the buffer-limit option is reached, the oldest automatically named buffer is deleted. Explicitly named buffers are not subject to buffer-limit and may be deleted with the delete-buffer command.

Buffers may be added using copy-mode or the set-buffer and load-buffer commands, and pasted into a window using the paste-buffer command. If a buffer command is used and no buffer is specified, the most recently added automatically named buffer is assumed.

A configurable history buffer is also maintained for each window. By default, up to 2000 lines are kept; this can be altered with the history-limit option (see the set-option command above).

The buffer commands are as follows:

choose-buffer [-NZr] [-F format] [-f filter] [-K key-format] [-O sort-order] [-t target-pane] [template] Put a pane into buffer mode, where a buffer may be chosen interactively from a list. Each buffer is shown on one line. A shortcut key is shown on the left in brackets allowing for immediate choice, or the list may be navigated and an item chosen or otherwise manipulated using the keys below. -Z zooms the pane. The following keys may be used in buffer mode:

Key Function Enter Paste selected buffer Up Select previous buffer Down Select next buffer C-s Search by name or content n Repeat last search t Toggle if buffer is tagged T Tag no buffers C-t Tag all buffers p Paste selected buffer P Paste tagged buffers d Delete selected buffer D Delete tagged buffers e Open the buffer in an editor f Enter a format to filter items O Change sort field r Reverse sort order v Toggle preview q Exit mode

After a buffer is chosen, '%%' is replaced by the buffer name in template and the result executed as a command. If template is not given, "paste-buffer -b '%%'" is used.

-O specifies the initial sort field: one of 'time', 'name' or 'size'. -r reverses the sort order. -f specifies an initial filter: the filter is a format - if it evaluates to zero, the item in the list is not shown, otherwise it is shown. If a filter would lead to an empty list, it is ignored. -F specifies the format for each item in the list and -K a format for each shortcut key; both are evaluated once for each line. -N starts without the preview. This command works only if at least one client is attached.

clear-history [-t target-pane] (alias: clearhist) Remove and free the history for the specified pane.

delete-buffer [-b buffer-name] (alias: deleteb) Delete the buffer named buffer-name, or the most recently added automatically named buffer if not specified.

list-buffers [-F format] [-f filter] (alias: lsb) List the global buffers. -F specifies the format of each line and -f a filter. Only buffers for which the filter is true are shown. See the FORMATS section.

load-buffer [-w] [-b buffer-name] [-t target-client] path (alias: loadb) Load the contents of the specified paste buffer from path. If -w is given, the buffer is also sent to the clipboard for target-client using the xterm(1) escape sequence, if possible.

paste-buffer [-dpr] [-b buffer-name] [-s separator] [-t target-pane] (alias: pasteb) Insert the contents of a paste buffer into the specified pane. If not specified, paste into the current one. With -d, also delete the paste buffer. When output, any linefeed (LF) characters in the paste buffer are replaced with a separator, by default carriage return (CR). A custom separator may be specified using the -s flag. The -r flag means to do no replacement (equivalent to a separator of LF). If -p is specified, paste bracket control codes are inserted around the buffer if the application has requested bracketed paste mode.

save-buffer [-a] [-b buffer-name] path (alias: saveb) Save the contents of the specified paste buffer to path. The -a option appends to rather than overwriting the file.

set-buffer [-aw] [-b buffer-name] [-t target-client] [-n new-buffer-name] data (alias: setb) Set the contents of the specified buffer to data. If -w is given, the buffer is also sent to the clipboard for target-client using the xterm(1) escape sequence, if possible. The -a option appends to rather than overwriting the buffer. The -n option renames the buffer to new-buffer-name.

show-buffer [-b buffer-name] (alias: showb) Display the contents of the specified buffer.