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   yacc.1p    ( 1 )

еще один компилятор компилятора (РАЗРАБОТКА) (yet another compiler compiler (DEVELOPMENT))

Выходные файлы (Output files)

The code file, the header file, and the description file shall be text files. All are described in the following sections.

Code File This file shall contain the C source code for the yyparse() function. It shall contain code for the various semantic actions with macro substitution performed on them as described in the EXTENDED DESCRIPTION section. It also shall contain a copy of the #define statements in the header file. If a %union declaration is used, the declaration for YYSTYPE shall also be included in this file.

Header File The header file shall contain #define statements that associate the token numbers with the token names. This allows source files other than the code file to access the token codes. If a %union declaration is used, the declaration for YYSTYPE and an extern YYSTYPE yylval declaration shall also be included in this file.

Description File The description file shall be a text file containing a description of the state machine corresponding to the parser, using an unspecified format. Limits for internal tables (see Limits) shall also be reported, in an implementation-defined manner. (Some implementations may use dynamic allocation techniques and have no specific limit values to report.)