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   get.1p    ( 1 )

получить версию файла SCCS (РАЗРАБОТКА) (get a version of an SCCS file (DEVELOPMENT))

Параметры (Options)

The get utility shall conform to the Base Definitions volume of
       POSIX.1‐2017, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines.

The following options shall be supported:

-r SID Indicate the SCCS Identification String (SID) of the version (delta) of an SCCS file to be retrieved. The table shows, for the most useful cases, what version of an SCCS file is retrieved (as well as the SID of the version to be eventually created by delta if the -e option is also used), as a function of the SID specified.

-c cutoff Indicate the cutoff date-time, in the form:


For the YY component, values in the range [69,99] shall refer to years 1969 to 1999 inclusive, and values in the range [00,68] shall refer to years 2000 to 2068 inclusive.

Note: It is expected that in a future version of this standard the default century inferred from a 2-digit year will change. (This would apply to all commands accepting a 2-digit year as input.)

No changes (deltas) to the SCCS file that were created after the specified cutoff date-time shall be included in the generated text file. Units omitted from the date-time default to their maximum possible values; for example, -c 7502 is equivalent to -c 750228235959.

Any number of non-numeric characters may separate the various 2-digit pieces of the cutoff date-time. This feature allows the user to specify a cutoff date in the form: -c "77/2/2 9:22:25".

-e Indicate that the get is for the purpose of editing or making a change (delta) to the SCCS file via a subsequent use of delta. The -e option used in a get for a particular version (SID) of the SCCS file shall prevent further get commands from editing on the same SID until delta is executed or the j (joint edit) flag is set in the SCCS file. Concurrent use of get -e for different SIDs is always allowed.

If the g-file generated by get with a -e option is accidentally ruined in the process of editing, it may be regenerated by re-executing the get command with the -k option in place of the -e option.

SCCS file protection specified via the ceiling, floor, and authorized user list stored in the SCCS file shall be enforced when the -e option is used.

-b Use with the -e option to indicate that the new delta should have an SID in a new branch as shown in the table below. This option shall be ignored if the b flag is not present in the file or if the retrieved delta is not a leaf delta. (A leaf delta is one that has no successors on the SCCS file tree.)

Note: A branch delta may always be created from a non- leaf delta.

-i list Indicate a list of deltas to be included (forced to be applied) in the creation of the generated file. The list has the following syntax:

<list> ::= <range> | <list> , <range> <range> ::= SID | SID - SID

SID, the SCCS Identification of a delta, may be in any form shown in the ``SID Specified'' column of the table in the EXTENDED DESCRIPTION section, except that the result of supplying a partial SID is unspecified. A diagnostic message shall be written if the first SID in the range is not an ancestor of the second SID in the range.

-x list Indicate a list of deltas to be excluded (forced not to be applied) in the creation of the generated file. See the -i option for the list format.

-k Suppress replacement of identification keywords (see below) in the retrieved text by their value. The -k option shall be implied by the -e option.

-l Write a delta summary into an l-file.

-L Write a delta summary to standard output. All informative output that normally is written to standard output shall be written to standard error instead, unless the -s option is used, in which case it shall be suppressed.

-p Write the text retrieved from the SCCS file to the standard output. No g-file shall be created. All informative output that normally goes to the standard output shall go to standard error instead, unless the -s option is used, in which case it shall disappear.

-s Suppress all informative output normally written to standard output. However, fatal error messages (which shall always be written to the standard error) shall remain unaffected.

-m Precede each text line retrieved from the SCCS file by the SID of the delta that inserted the text line in the SCCS file. The format shall be:

"%s\t%s", <SID>, <text line>

-n Precede each generated text line with the %M% identification keyword value (see below). The format shall be:

"%s\t%s", <%M% value>, <text line>

When both the -m and -n options are used, the <text line> shall be replaced by the -m option- generated format.

-g Suppress the actual retrieval of text from the SCCS file. It is primarily used to generate an l-file, or to verify the existence of a particular SID.

-t Use to access the most recently created (top) delta in a given release (for example, -r 1), or release and level (for example, -r 1.2).