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   gprof    ( 1 )

отображать данные профиля графика звонков (display call graph profile data)

  Name  |  Synopsis  |  Description  |  Options  |  Files  |    Bugs    |  See also  |

Ошибки (баги) (Bugs)

The granularity of the sampling is shown, but remains statistical at best. We assume that the time for each execution of a function can be expressed by the total time for the function divided by the number of times the function is called. Thus the time propagated along the call graph arcs to the function's parents is directly proportional to the number of times that arc is traversed.

Parents that are not themselves profiled will have the time of their profiled children propagated to them, but they will appear to be spontaneously invoked in the call graph listing, and will not have their time propagated further. Similarly, signal catchers, even though profiled, will appear to be spontaneous (although for more obscure reasons). Any profiled children of signal catchers should have their times propagated properly, unless the signal catcher was invoked during the execution of the profiling routine, in which case all is lost.

The profiled program must call "exit"(2) or return normally for the profiling information to be saved in the gmon.out file.