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   libexpect    ( 3 )

библиотека программных диалогов с интерактивными программами (programmed dialogue library with interactive programs)

Отладка (Debugging)

While I consider the library to be easy to use, I think that the standalone expect program is much, much, easier to use than working with the C compiler and its usual edit, compile, debug cycle. Unlike typical C programs, most of the debugging isn't getting the C compiler to accept your programs - rather, it is getting the dialogue correct. Also, translating scripts from expect to C is usually not necessary. For example, the speed of interactive dialogues is virtually never an issue. So please try the standalone 'expect' program first. I suspect it is a more appropriate solution for most people than the library.

Nonetheless, if you feel compelled to debug in C, here are some tools to help you.

extern int exp_is_debugging; extern FILE *exp_debugfile;

While expect dialogues seem very intuitive, trying to codify them in a program can reveal many surprises in a program's interface. Therefore a variety of debugging aids are available. They are controlled by the above variables, all 0 by default.

Debugging information internal to expect is sent to stderr when exp_is_debugging is non-zero. The debugging information includes every character received, and every attempt made to match the current input against the patterns. In addition, non-printable characters are translated to a printable form. For example, a control-C appears as a caret followed by a C. If exp_logfile is non-zero, this information is also written to that stream.

If exp_debugfile is non-zero, all normal and debugging information is written to that stream, regardless of the value of exp_is_debugging.