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   homectl    ( 1 )

создавать, удалять, изменять или проверять домашние каталоги (Create, remove, change or inspect home directories)

Параметры (Options)

The following general options are understood (further options
       that control the various properties of user records managed by
       systemd-homed.service are documented further down):

--identity=FILE Read the user's JSON record from the specified file. If passed as "-" read the user record from standard input. The supplied JSON object must follow the structure documented in JSON User Records[1]. This option may be used in conjunction with the create and update commands (see below), where it allows configuring the user record in JSON as-is, instead of setting the individual user record properties (see below).

--json=FORMAT, -J Controls whether to output the user record in JSON format, if the inspect command (see below) is used. Takes one of "pretty", "short" or "off". If "pretty" human-friendly whitespace and newlines are inserted in the output to make the JSON data more readable. If "short" all superfluous whitespace is suppressed. If "off" (the default) the user information is not shown in JSON format but in a friendly human readable formatting instead. The -J option picks "pretty" when run interactively and "short" otherwise.

--export-format=FORMAT, -E, -EE When used with the inspect verb in JSON mode (see above) may be used to suppress certain aspects of the JSON user record on output. Specifically, if "stripped" format is used the binding and runtime fields of the record are removed. If "minimal" format is used the cryptographic signature is removed too. If "full" format is used the full JSON record is shown (this is the default). This option is useful for copying an existing user record to a different system in order to create a similar user there with the same settings. Specifically: homectl inspect -EE | ssh root@othersystem homectl create -i- may be used as simple command line for replicating a user on another host. -E is equivalent to -j --export-format=stripped, -EE to -j --export-format=minimal. Note that when replicating user accounts user records acquired in "stripped" mode will retain the original cryptographic signatures and thus may only be modified when the private key to update them is available on the destination machine. When replicating users in "minimal" mode, the signature is removed during the replication and thus the record will be implicitly signed with the key of the destination machine and may be updated there without any private key replication.

-H, --host= Execute the operation remotely. Specify a hostname, or a username and hostname separated by "@", to connect to. The hostname may optionally be suffixed by a port ssh is listening on, separated by ":", and then a container name, separated by "/", which connects directly to a specific container on the specified host. This will use SSH to talk to the remote machine manager instance. Container names may be enumerated with machinectl -H HOST. Put IPv6 addresses in brackets.

-M, --machine= Execute operation on a local container. Specify a container name to connect to, optionally prefixed by a user name to connect as and a separating "@" character. If the special string ".host" is used in place of the container name, a connection to the local system is made (which is useful to connect to a specific user's user bus: "--user --machine=lennart@.host"). If the "@" syntax is not used, the connection is made as root user. If the "@" syntax is used either the left hand side or the right hand side may be omitted (but not both) in which case the local user name and ".host" are implied.

--no-pager Do not pipe output into a pager.

--no-legend Do not print the legend, i.e. column headers and the footer with hints.

--no-ask-password Do not query the user for authentication for privileged operations.

-h, --help Print a short help text and exit.

--version Print a short version string and exit.