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   pcpintro    ( 3 )

введение в библиотеки Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) (introduction to the Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) libraries)


These errors may occur in the interactions between a PCP client and the library routines that provide historical performance data from PCP archives created by pmlogger(1).

PM_ERR_LOGFILE Missing archive file Each PCP archive consists of multiple physical files as described in pmlogger(1). This error occurs when one of the physical files is missing or cannot be opened for reading.

PM_ERR_EOL End of PCP archive log An attempt is made to read past the end file of the last volume of a set of PCP archives, or past the end of the time window (as specified with a -T/--finish option) for a set of PCP archives.

PM_ERR_NOTHOST Operation requires context with host source of metrics Calls to pmStore(3) require a host context and are not supported for PCP archives.

For archives created with versions of PCP prior to 4.0, the pmLookupText(3) and pmLookupInDomText(3) calls will return this code for archive PMAPI contexts (help and one- line text was not previously recorded in archive logs).

PM_ERR_LOGREC Corrupted record in a PCP archive log PCP archives can become corrupted for a variety of reasons, but the most common is premature termination of pmlogger(1) without flushing its output buffers.

PM_ERR_LABEL Illegal label record at start of a PCP archive log file Each physical file in a PCP archive should begin with a common label record. This is a special case of PM_ERR_LOGREC errors.

PM_ERR_NODATA Empty archive log file An empty physical file can never be part of a valid PCP archive (at least the label record should be present). This is a special case of PM_ERR_LOGREC errors.

PM_ERR_NOTARCHIVE Operation requires context with archive source of metrics A call to one of the archive variant routines, i.e. pmFetchArchive(3), pmGetInDomArchive(3), pmLookupInDomArchive(3) or pmNameInDomArchive(3), when the current context is not associated with a set of PCP archives.

PM_ERR_PMID_LOG Metric not defined in the PCP archive log A PCP client has requested information about a metric, and there is no corresponding information in the set of PCP archives. This should not happen for well-behaved PCP clients.

PM_ERR_INDOM_LOG Instance domain identifier not defined in the PCP archive log A PCP client has requested information about an instance domain for one or more performance metrics, and there is no corresponding information in the set of PCP archives. If the client is using metric descriptors from the set of archives to identify the instance domain, this is less likely to happen.

Because instance domains may vary over time, clients may need to use the variant routines pmGetInDomArchive(3) or pmLookupInDomArchive(3) or pmNameInDomArchive(3) to manipulate the union of the instances in an instance domain over the life of an archive.

PM_ERR_INST_LOG Instance identifier not defined in the PCP archive log A PCP client has requested information about a specific instance of a performance metric, and there is no corresponding information in the set of PCP archives. If the client is using instance names from the instance domain in the set of archives (rather than hard-coded instance names) and instance identifiers from the results returned by pmFetch(3) or pmFetchArchive(3) this is less likely to happen.

Because instance domains may vary over time, clients may need to use the variant routines pmLookupInDomArchive(3) or pmNameInDomArchive(3) to manipulate the union of the instances in an instance domain over the life of an archive.

PM_ERR_LOGOVERLAP Archives overlap in time When using a context associated with a set of archives, the archives in the set may not overlap in time.

PM_ERR_LOGHOST Archives differ by host When using a context associated with a set of archives, the archives in the set must all have been generated on the same host.

PM_ERR_LOGCHANGETYPE The type of a metric differs among archives When using a context associated with a set of archives, the type of each metric must be same in all of the archives.

PM_ERR_LOGCHANGESEM The semantics of a metric differs among archives When using a context associated with a set of archives, the semantics of each metric must be same in all of the archives.

PM_ERR_LOGCHANGEINDOM The instance domain of a metric differs among archives When using a context associated with a set of archives, the instance domain of each metric must be same in all of the archives.

PM_ERR_LOGCHANGEUNITS The units of a metric differs among archives When using a context associated with a set of archives, the units of each metric must be same in all of the archives.