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   pcreapi    ( 3 )

Perl-совместимые регулярные выражения (Perl-compatible regular expressions)

  Name  |  Pcre native api basic functions  |  Pcre native api string extraction functions  |  Pcre native api auxiliary functions  |  Pcre native api indirected functions  |  Pcre 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit libraries  |  Pcre api overview  |  Newlines  |  Multithreading  |  Saving precompiled patterns for later use  |  Checking build-time options  |  Compiling a pattern  |  Compilation error codes  |  Studying a pattern  |  Locale support  |  Information about a pattern  |  Reference counts  |  Matching a pattern: the traditional function  |  Extracting captured substrings by number  |  Extracting captured substrings by name  |    Duplicate subpattern names    |  Finding all possible matches  |  Obtaining an estimate of stack usage  |  Matching a pattern: the alternative function  |  See also  |


int pcre_get_stringtable_entries(const pcre *code, const char *name, char **first, char **last);

When a pattern is compiled with the PCRE_DUPNAMES option, names for subpatterns are not required to be unique. (Duplicate names are always allowed for subpatterns with the same number, created by using the (?| feature. Indeed, if such subpatterns are named, they are required to use the same names.)

Normally, patterns with duplicate names are such that in any one match, only one of the named subpatterns participates. An example is shown in the pcrepattern documentation.

When duplicates are present, pcre_copy_named_substring() and pcre_get_named_substring() return the first substring corresponding to the given name that is set. If none are set, PCRE_ERROR_NOSUBSTRING (-7) is returned; no data is returned. The pcre_get_stringnumber() function returns one of the numbers that are associated with the name, but it is not defined which it is.

If you want to get full details of all captured substrings for a given name, you must use the pcre_get_stringtable_entries() function. The first argument is the compiled pattern, and the second is the name. The third and fourth are pointers to variables which are updated by the function. After it has run, they point to the first and last entries in the name-to-number table for the given name. The function itself returns the length of each entry, or PCRE_ERROR_NOSUBSTRING (-7) if there are none. The format of the table is described above in the section entitled Information about a pattern above. Given all the relevant entries for the name, you can extract each of their numbers, and hence the captured data, if any.