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   pmda    ( 3 )

введение в библиотеку поддержки агента домена Performance Metrics (introduction to the Performance Metrics Domain Agent support library)


As outlined below there are a number of variables that can be set in a PMDA's Install script to influence the behaviour of the installation procedures. These would typically need to be set before the call to pmdaInstall, but in some instances (like $iam and the cases specifically noted below), before the call to pmdaSetup.

The following variables control the communication options between the PMDA and pmcd(1). At least one of $daemon_opt, $dso_opt, $perl_opt or $python_opt must be set to define the supported mode(s) of communication. If more than one of these is set the user will be prompted to make a selection when the Install script is run.

daemon_opt We are willing to install the PMDA as a daemon. Default: true

dso_opt We are willing to install the PMDA as a DSO, so pmcd(1) will use the dynamic linking loader to attach the PMDA's DSO at run-time and communication from pmcd(1) to the PMDA and back uses procedure calls, not an IPC channel. Default: false

dso_entry For a DSO PMDA, this is the name of the PMDA's initialization routine. Default: ${iam}_init

dso_name For a DSO PMDA, this is the full pathanme of the PMDA's DSO file. Default: $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/$iam/pmda_$iam.$dso_suffix

pipe_opt For a daemon PMDA, is the default IPC channel via a pipe(2)? Default: Platform-specific, so true for most, but false for Windows

perl_opt We are willing to install the PMDA as a Perl script and pmcd(1) will use the perl(1) interpreter to run the PMDA. Default: false

pmda_dir Full pathname to the directory where the PMDA's installation files (executable, script, PMNS source, help text source, etc) are to be found. Default: output from pwd(1)

If set, must be done before the call to pmdaSetup.

pmda_name For a daemon PMDA, this is the name of the PMDA's executable binary relative to the $pmda_dir directory. Default: pmda$iam

python_opt We are willing to install the PMDA as a Python script and pmcd(1) will use the python(1) interpreter to run the PMDA. Default: false

ipc_prot For a daemon PMDA, this can be set to either binary or text. The default is binary and text is rarely used. In addition, an optional IPC parameter notready can be used to signify that the PMDA will start up in the notready state, e.g. ipc_prot="binary notready". Note that the quotes are required. The IPC parameters for a PMDA appear in pmcd.conf in the IPC Params column. For further details, see pmcd(1) but basically pmcd will not issue any requests to a PMDA that has started in the notready state until the PMDA sends a PM_ERR_PMDAREADY PDU. This allows PMDAs with long startup times to initialize correctly without timing out. For details, see pmdaSendError(3) and pmcd(1). When a PMDA is in the notready state, any client requests sent to pmcd for the PMDA domain will return with the PM_ERR_PMDANOTREADY error.

socket_inet_def For a daemon PMDA using a socket(2) as the IPC channel the default Internet port number or service name (if known). Default: ""

socket_opt For a daemon PMDA, is the default IPC channel via a socket(2)? Default: Platform-specific, so false for most, but true for Windows

The following variables control the PMNS options.

pmns_dupok Most PMDAs do not have duplicate names for the same PMID in their PMNS. But if this is not the case, pmns_dupok should be set to true. Default: false

pmns_name Each PMDA will add one or more non-leaf nodes to the top of the PMNS. The most common case is that all of the metrics for a PMDA will be placed below the node named $iam. If this is not the case, and especially when the PMDA adds more than one non-leaf node at the top of the PMNS, pmns_name needs to be set to the list of node names (separated by white space), e.g. for pmdaproc(1) pmns_name is set to "proc cgroup hotproc". Default: $iam

It is most important that if pmns_name is set to a non-default value in the Install script then it must also be set to the same value in the Remove script.

pmns_source The name of the PMDA's PMNS source file. By default, the name is interpreted as a relative pathname from the $pmda_dir directory. Default: pmns

The following variables provide assorted additional options associated with the installation of a PMDA.

args Additional command line args for the PMDA. These will be appended to the PMDA's control line in $PCP_PMCDCONF_PATH. Default: ""

check_delay Delay (in seconds) after finishing the PMDA installation (or removal) before checking the availability of metrics from the PMDA. May need to be increased if the PMDA has a lengthy startup procedure. Default: 0.3

signal_delay Delay (in seconds) after notifying pmcd(1) with a signal. Required to allow pmcd(1) to complete processing before proceeding to the next step of the installation (or removal). Default: 1

configdir Determines the directory in which a PMDA's configuration file will be stored. Used by pmdaChooseConfigFile so should be set before calling that procedure. Default: $PCP_VAR_DIR/config/$iam

configfile Preferred configuration file for the PMDA. Used by pmdaChooseConfigFile so should be set before calling that procedure. Default: ""

default_configfile Default configuration file for the PMDA. Used by pmdaChooseConfigFile so should be set before calling that procedure. Default: ""

dso_suffix Standard suffix for a DSO. Should not need to be changed under normal circumstances. Default: Platform-specific, so 'so' for Linux, 'dylib' for Mac OS X, 'dll' for Windows, etc.

If set, must be done before the call to pmdaSetup.

help_source The name of the help text source file that should be used as input to pmnewhelp(1). By default, the name is interpreted as a relative pathname from the $pmda_dir directory. Default: help

python_name Full pathname of the Python script for a Python PMDA. Default: $pmda_dir/pmda$iam.python or $pmda_dir/pmda$iam.py

The shell procedures in $PCP_SHARE_DIR/lib/pmdaproc.sh manipulate a number of temporary files using the variable $tmp as the prefix for the name of the temporary files. $tmp is a directory that is created, used and removed internally within the procedures of $PCP_SHARE_DIR/lib/pmdaproc.sh but can also be used as the prefix for temporary files needed by a PMDA's Install or Remove scripts. When used in this way, $tmp should be followed by a ``/'' and then a suffix, e.g. $tmp/myfoo. The Install and Remove scripts should not use other temporary file name prefixes nor use sh(1) trap statements to clean up temporary files as this is all done within $PCP_SHARE_DIR/lib/pmdaproc.sh.