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   pthread_setschedprio.3p    ( 3 )

доступ к параметрам динамического планирования потоков (REALTIME THREADS) (dynamic thread scheduling parameters access (REALTIME THREADS))

Пролог (Prolog)

This manual page is part of the POSIX Programmer's Manual.  The
       Linux implementation of this interface may differ (consult the
       corresponding Linux manual page for details of Linux behavior),
       or the interface may not be implemented on Linux.

Имя (Name)

pthread_setschedprio — dynamic thread scheduling parameters
       access (REALTIME THREADS)

Синопсис (Synopsis)

#include <pthread.h>

int pthread_setschedprio(pthread_t thread, int prio);

Описание (Description)

The pthread_setschedprio() function shall set the scheduling
       priority for the thread whose thread ID is given by thread to the
       value given by prio.  See Scheduling Policies for a description
       on how this function call affects the ordering of the thread in
       the thread list for its new priority.

If the pthread_setschedprio() function fails, the scheduling priority of the target thread shall not be changed.

Возвращаемое значение (Return value)

If successful, the pthread_setschedprio() function shall return
       zero; otherwise, an error number shall be returned to indicate
       the error.

Ошибки (Error)

The pthread_setschedprio() function may fail if:

EINVAL The value of prio is invalid for the scheduling policy of the specified thread.

EPERM The caller does not have appropriate privileges to set the scheduling priority of the specified thread.

The pthread_setschedprio() function shall not return an error code of [EINTR].

The following sections are informative.

Примеры (Examples)


Использование в приложениях (Application usage)


Обоснование (Rationale)

The pthread_setschedprio() function provides a way for an
       application to temporarily raise its priority and then lower it
       again, without having the undesired side-effect of yielding to
       other threads of the same priority. This is necessary if the
       application is to implement its own strategies for bounding
       priority inversion, such as priority inheritance or priority
       ceilings. This capability is especially important if the
       implementation does not support the Thread Priority Protection or
       Thread Priority Inheritance options, but even if those options
       are supported it is needed if the application is to bound
       priority inheritance for other resources, such as semaphores.

The standard developers considered that while it might be preferable conceptually to solve this problem by modifying the specification of pthread_setschedparam(), it was too late to make such a change, as there may be implementations that would need to be changed. Therefore, this new function was introduced.

If an implementation detects use of a thread ID after the end of its lifetime, it is recommended that the function should fail and report an [ESRCH] error.

Будущие направления (Future directions)


Смотри также (See also)

Scheduling Policies, pthread_getschedparam(3p)

The Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1‐2017, pthread.h(0p)