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   more.1p    ( 1 )

постраничная основа (by-page basis)

Описание (Description)

The more utility shall read files and either write them to the terminal on a page-by-page basis or filter them to standard output. If standard output is not a terminal device, all input files shall be copied to standard output in their entirety, without modification, except as specified for the -s option. If standard output is a terminal device, the files shall be written a number of lines (one screenful) at a time under the control of user commands. See the EXTENDED DESCRIPTION section.

Certain block-mode terminals do not have all the capabilities necessary to support the complete more definition; they are incapable of accepting commands that are not terminated with a <newline>. Implementations that support such terminals shall provide an operating mode to more in which all commands can be terminated with a <newline> on those terminals. This mode:

* Shall be documented in the system documentation

* Shall, at invocation, inform the user of the terminal deficiency that requires the <newline> usage and provide instructions on how this warning can be suppressed in future invocations

* Shall not be required for implementations supporting only fully capable terminals

* Shall not affect commands already requiring <newline> characters

* Shall not affect users on the capable terminals from using more as described in this volume of POSIX.1‐2017