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   ncat    ( 1 )

объединение и перенаправление сокетов (Concatenate and redirect sockets)

Примеры (Examples)

Connect to example.org on TCP port 8080.
           ncat example.org 8080

Listen for connections on TCP port 8080. ncat -l 8080

Redirect TCP port 8080 on the local machine to host on port 80. ncat --sh-exec "ncat example.org 80" -l 8080 --keep-open

Bind to TCP port 8081 and attach /bin/bash for the world to access freely. ncat --exec "/bin/bash" -l 8081 --keep-open

Bind a shell to TCP port 8081, limit access to hosts on a local network, and limit the maximum number of simultaneous connections to 3. ncat --exec "/bin/bash" --max-conns 3 --allow -l 8081 --keep-open

Connect to smtphost:25 through a SOCKS4 server on port 1080. ncat --proxy socks4host --proxy-type socks4 --proxy-auth joe smtphost 25

Connect to smtphost:25 through a SOCKS5 server on port 1080. ncat --proxy socks5host --proxy-type socks5 --proxy-auth joe:secret smtphost 25

Create an HTTP proxy server on localhost port 8888. ncat -l --proxy-type http localhost 8888

Send a file over TCP port 9899 from host2 (client) to host1 (server). HOST1$ ncat -l 9899 > outputfile

HOST2$ ncat HOST1 9899 < inputfile

Transfer in the other direction, turning Ncat into a 'one file' server. HOST1$ ncat -l 9899 < inputfile

HOST2$ ncat HOST1 9899 > outputfile