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   pcregrep    ( 1 )

grep с регулярными выражениями, совместимыми с Perl (a grep with Perl-compatible regular expressions.)


Many of the short and long forms of pcregrep's options are the same as in the GNU grep program. Any long option of the form --xxx-regexp (GNU terminology) is also available as --xxx-regex (PCRE terminology). However, the --file-list, --file-offsets, --include-dir, --line-offsets, --locale, --match-limit, -M, --multiline, -N, --newline, --om-separator, --recursion-limit, -u, and --utf-8 options are specific to pcregrep, as is the use of the --only-matching option with a capturing parentheses number.

Although most of the common options work the same way, a few are different in pcregrep. For example, the --include option's argument is a glob for GNU grep, but a regular expression for pcregrep. If both the -c and -l options are given, GNU grep lists only file names, without counts, but pcregrep gives the counts.