синтаксис файла профиля безопасности и информация о создании новых профилей приложений (Security profile file syntax, and information about building new application profiles.)
Scripting commands:
File and directory names
File and directory names containing spaces are supported.
The space character ' ' should not be escaped.
Example: "deny ~/My Virtual Machines"
# this is a comment
# disable networking
net none # this command creates an empty network namespace
?CONDITIONAL: profile line
Conditionally add profile line.
Example: "?HAS_APPIMAGE: allow
This example will load the profile line only if the
--appimage option has been specified on the command line.
Currently the only conditionals supported this way are
HAS_PRIVATE and HAS_X11. The conditionals
or disabled globally in Firejail's configuration file.
The profile line may be any profile line that you would
normally use in a profile except
for "quiet" and "include"
include other.profile
Include other.profile file.
Example: "include /etc/firejail/disable-common.inc"
The file name can be prefixed with a macro such as ${HOME}
or ${CFG}. ${HOME} is expanded as user home directory,
and ${CFG} is expanded as Firejail system configuration
directory - in most cases /etc/firejail or
Example: "include ${HOME}/myprofiles/profile1" will load
"~/myprofiles/profile1" file.
Example: "include ${CFG}/firefox.profile" will load
"/etc/firejail/firefox.profile" file.
The file name may also be just the name without the
leading directory components. In this case, first the
user config directory (${HOME}/.config/firejail) is
searched for the file name and if not found then the
system configuration directory is search for the file
name. Note: Unlike the --profile option which takes a
profile name without the '.profile' suffix, include must
be given the full file name.
Example: "include firefox.profile" will load
"${HOME}/.config/firejail/firefox.profile" file and if it
does not exist "${CFG}/firefox.profile" will be loaded.
System configuration files in ${CFG} are overwritten
during software installation. Persistent configuration at
system level is handled in ".local" files. For every
profile file in ${CFG} directory, the user can create a
corresponding .local file storing modifications to the
persistent configuration. Persistent .local files are
included at the start of regular profile files.
noallow file_name
If the file name matches file_name, the file will not be
allowed in any allow commands that follow.
Example: "nowhitelist ~/.config"
nodeny file_name
If the file name matches file_name, the file will not be
denied any deny commands that follow.
Example: "nodeny ${HOME}/.mozilla"
Ignore command.
Example: "ignore seccomp"
Example: "ignore net eth0"
Disable Firejail's output. This should be the first
uncommented command in the profile file.
Example: "quiet"