This simple example illustrates the use of parameters and
different object types:
pmview Version 2.1
# Use a lighter grey for the base planes
_baseColor rgbi:0.5/0.5/0.5
# Define colors for CPU object
_colorList cpu ( blue2 red2 yellow2 cyan2 green2 )
# The top grid object, but hide it from view
_grid _hide (
# Show the current load in a bar object
_bar 0 0 (
_baseLabel "Load averages over a\n1, 5 and 15 minute interval"
_metrics (
kernel.all.load[1] 1 "1"
kernel.all.load[5] 1 "5"
kernel.all.load[15] 1 "15"
_colorList ( blue blue blue )
# Add a label below the load bars
_label 0 1 "Load"
# Change the color of the base plane for later objects
_baseColor pink
# Show the CPU usage over all CPUs in a utilization stack
_stack 2 0 _south _utilmod (
_baseLabel "CPU Utilization over all CPUs"
_metrics (
kernel.all.cpu.user 1000
kernel.all.cpu.sys 1000
kernel.all.cpu.intr 1000 1000
kernel.all.cpu.idle 1000
_colorList cpu
# Add a label below the CPU stack
_label 2 1 "CPU"
# Create a separate grid for links and pipes
_marginWidth 1
_marginDepth 1
_gridSpace 12
_grid 0 3 5 4 _hide (
_pipeLength 12
_baseHeight 12
# Add a pipe and a link with western orientation
_pipe 0 0 west (
_pipeTag "West pipe"
_metrics (
kernel.all.cpu.user 1000
kernel.all.cpu.sys 1000
kernel.all.cpu.idle 1000
_colorList cpu
_link 0 2 west "West link"
# Add xing
_xing 1 0 3 3 west east east west
# Add a link and a pipe with eastern orientation
_pipe 4 0 east (
_pipeTag "East Pipe"
_metrics (
kernel.all.cpu.user 1000
kernel.all.cpu.sys 1000
kernel.all.cpu.idle 1000
_colorList cpu
_link 4 2 east "East link"