| Раздел (категория): Образование, наука [415]
- learningml-desktop - LearningMLDesktop [Snap]
- Learnit - Learn through flash card tests [Snap]
- Leibnitz - Leibnitz provides electronic paper for calculations and graphs [Snap]
- LiberTEM - The LiberTEM project develops an open software platform for pixelated/4D... [Appimage]
- libspot - A C++ library to flag outliers in streaming data [Snap]
- Linien - Spectroscopy lock [Flatpak]
- Liri Calculator - Perform arithmetic or scientific calculations [Application]
- Liri Calculator - Perform arithmetic or scientific calculations [Flatpak]
- lngcnv - Linguistics - English, Latin, Polish, Quechua, Spanish, Tikuna [Snap]
- LogarithmPlotter - 2D logarithmic-scaled plotter software to create asymptotic Bode plots [Snap]
- LogarithmPlotter - 2D logarithmic-scaled plotter software to make Bode plots, sequences and... [Flatpak]
- logisim-evolution - Digital logic design tool and simulator [Snap]
- Lokalize - Computer-aided translation system [Application]
- Lokalize - Computer-aided translation system [Flatpak]
- Luna - An amazing calendar widget [Flatpak]