| Раздел (категория): Персонализация, финансы [410]
- KAlarm - Personal Alarm Scheduler [Application]
- Kalendar - Manage your tasks and events with speed and ease [Application]
- Kapow Punch Clock - Keep track of time spent on projects [Flatpak]
- KDE Itinerary - Digital travel assistant [Application]
- KDE Itinerary - Digital travel assistant [Flatpak]
- KeePass Password Safe - The free, open source, light-weight and easy-to-use password manager [Application]
- KeePassXC - Community-driven port of the Windows application “KeePass Password Safe” [Application]
- KeePassXC - Community-driven port of the Windows application “KeePass Password Safe” [Flatpak]
- KeePassXC - KeePassXC is a cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application “Keepass Password Safe” [Appimage]
- KeeWeb - Free cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass [Appimage]
- Keibo MoneyTracker x86 64 - Track your income and expenses easily [Appimage]
- KetoShare - KetoShare [Snap]
- Key Rack - View and edit your apps’ keys [Flatpak]
- KeyManager - keymanager [Appimage]
- Keys - Key management, signing and encryption [Appimage]
- Keysign - OpenPGP Keysigning helper [Flatpak]
- Khronos - Log the time it took to do tasks [Flatpak]
- kite-zerodha - An electron based desktop client application for Zerodha's trading platform... [Snap]
- Kitupiikki - [Appimage]
- KMyMoney - Personal finance manager based on double-entry bookkeeping [Application]
- Koombo - Koombo [Snap]
- koyu.space - Desktop client for the koyu.space fediverse instance [Snap]
- Kronometer - Chronometer [Application]
- Kronometer - Chronometer [Flatpak]
- KTeaTime - Tea Cooker [Application]
- KTeaTime - Tea Cooker [Flatpak]
- KTimeTracker - Personal Time Tracker [Application]
- KTimeTracker - Personal Time Tracker [Flatpak]
- Kuro - Kuro is an elegant desktop client for Microsoft's To-Do [Snap]
- KW.Finance - KW.Finance [Snap]
- KWalletManager - Wallet Management Tool [Application]