Раздел (категория): Интерфейс [294]
- QGit - A git GUI viewer [Application]
- QMLKonsole - Mobile terminal application [Application]
- Qogir Themes for Snaps - Qogir GTK and Icon Themes for GTK Snaps [Snap]
- qpwgraph - A PipeWire Graph Qt GUI Interface [Application]
- qpwgraph - A PipeWire Graph Qt GUI Interface [Flatpak]
- QSnapStore - QSnapStore is a Qt GUI for discovering Snaps [Snap]
- QSpectrumAnalyzer - Spectrum analyzer for multiple SDR platforms (PyQtGraph based GUI for... [Application]
- qtiplot-wrap - Wrapper [Snap]
- Qtube-Dl - Youtube player & downloader - GUI for Downloading and watching Youtube on Linux Desktop [Snap]
- Qucs S - An Universal GUI for Circuit Simulators [Appimage]
- Quick Clone - A small cli tool to search through gitlab and clone git-repositories in one step from the terminal without the need of a web-ui [Appimage]
- QuickAccess - A global menu giving you quick access to folders and custom commands [Flatpak]
- Quoter - Command line utility to pull stock and index quotes [Snap]
- Qv2ray - Cross-platform v2ray GUI Client in Qt [Appimage]