| Раздел (категория): Видео и фото, графика [644]
- MakeMKV - Backup your DVD and Bluray discs [Snap]
- mandelbulber2 - Visit 3D Fractal World [Appimage]
- Manga Reader - Manga Reader for local files [Flatpak]
- Mapollage - Mapollage is a photo kml generator for Google Earth [Snap]
- mapollage - Mapollage is aphoto kml generator for Google Earth [Appimage]
- MComix - Comic and general purpose image viewer [Flatpak]
- media dupes - a minimal content duplicator for common media services like youtube [Appimage]
- media mate - My SDD HSC Major Project, a full media server/player/downloader/etc - in one [Appimage]
- MediaElch - MediaElch is a MediaManager for Kodi [Application]
- MediaElch - Media Manager for Kodi [Appimage]
- MediaInfo - Convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for... [Application]
- MediathekView - Access to the Mediathek of different tv stations [Application]
- MediathekView - Access to public German TV Mediathek [Flatpak]
- Memento - A video player for studying Japanese [Appimage]
- MeshLab - Free and open source processing and editing 3D triangular meshes [Flatpak]
- meta grabber - A tool to grab meta data for tv shows and rename files on your hard disk [Appimage]
- MieSimulatorGUI - MieSimulatorGUI by Virtual Photonics [Appimage]
- Minetest - Multiplayer infinite-world block sandbox [Appimage]
- Minitube - YouTube app [Application]
- mjpg-streamer - UVC webcam streaming tool [Snap]
- MLV App - Magic Lantern Video Processing Application [Appimage]
- Monument Smart Photo Management - Smart Photo Management [Snap]
- MoonPlayer - MoonPlayer is an interesting player that lets you to enjoy videos. It can play... [Appimage]
- mountain-tapir - Mountain Tapir Collage Maker is a tool for combining images into collages [Snap]
- Movie Monad - A Free and Simple to use Video Player made with Haskell [Flatpak]
- movie monad - Movie Monad is a free and simple to use video player made with Haskell.
... [Appimage]
- MovieSquare - Movie discovery client for Linux Desktop [Snap]
- movx - MovX [Snap]
- mpv - A free, open source, and cross-platform media player [Application]
- mpv - A free, open source, and cross-platform media player [Snap]
- mpv - A free, open source, and cross-platform media player [Flatpak]
- mpv-wayland - mpv mediaplayer snap with a main focus on Wayland support [Snap]
- mtPaint - Painting program to create pixel art and manipulate digital photos [Application]
- MyPaint - Painting program for digital artists [Application]
- MyPaint - Painting program for digital artists [Flatpak]
- MyPaint - Painting program for digital artists [Appimage]