| Тип (репозиторий, формат): Snap [1095]
Приложения на E
Всего: 33 - e-mikrofirma - e-mikrofirma repackage, invoicing tool by polish goverment - Персонализация, финансы
- Easy Disk Cleaner - Disk Space Analyzer that saves hundreds of gigabytes! - Система, файлы
- easy-file-organizer - Easy File Organizer - Система, файлы
- easymp3gain - GUI for MP3Gain - Интерфейс
- EasyReflectometry - EasyReflectometry is a scientific software for modelling and analysis of... - Образование, наука
- Eclipse - Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE - Программирование, разработка
- edumips64 - A free visual and cross-platform MIPS64 CPU simulator - Инструменты, технологии
- egmde - Try Mir as your desktop, or as a window on your desktop - Интерфейс
- ehlo - A virtual workplace that encourages team collaboration with an integrated... - Браузер, почта, общение
- eisenradio - Radio collection, can permanently cache multiple streams at once - Аудио
- ejabberd - ejabberd XMPP server - Браузер, почта, общение
- electron-store - Electron Store - Система, файлы
- electronic-wechat - A better WeChat on macOS and Linux. Built with Electron - Браузер, почта, общение
- ElectronIM - Free/Libre open source Electron based multi instant messaging (IM) client - Браузер, почта, общение
- ElectronMail - ElectronMail - Браузер, почта, общение
- ElectronPlayer - An Electron Based Web Video Services Player. Supporting Netflix, Youtube,... - Видео и фото, графика
- electrum - Lightweight Bitcoin Client - Персонализация, финансы
- Element Desktop - A feature-rich client for Matrix.org - Интерфейс
- Elements - The Periodic Table - Образование, наука
- Elliptic Curve Plotter - Play and experiment with elliptic curves and their group law - Видео и фото, графика
- emacs-tealeg - GNU Emacs 24.5 - Текст, документы, БД
- Emby Server - Bring together your videos, music, photos, and live television - Видео и фото, графика
- Enapter UCM Kit Flasher - Application for uploading latest Enapter IoT firmwares for Espressif ESP32 chip... - Инструменты, технологии
- Entropy-Piano-Tuner - A piano tuning application - Музыка
- epitopepredict - tool for MHC binding prediction - Образование, наука
- Eqonomize! - Efficient and easy accounting for small households - Персонализация, финансы
- errcheck - Unchecked error checker for go programs - Программирование, разработка
- Evince - Document viewer for popular document formats - Текст, документы, БД
- eXeLearning - Your Free and Open Source Editor to create Educational Resources - Образование, наука
- ExpenseSentry - ExpenseSentry - Персонализация, финансы
- Exploding Kittens In Electron - Fan port of card game, Exploding Kittens to the desktop - Игры, головоломки
- Express POS - The fastest, cleanest and most secure in the market to handle your everyday... - Персонализация, финансы
- Eye of GNOME - Eye of GNOME Image Viewer - Видео и фото, графика