Manjaro: коллекция приложений

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Приложение: SDLPoP
  Игры, головоломки  

[ О приложении ]

An open-source port of the 1989 "Prince of Persia" video game, based on the disassembly of the DOS version.

Controlling the player:

* left: turn or run left

* right: turn or run right

* up: jump or climb up

* down: crouch or climb down

* shift: pick up things

* shift+left/right: careful step

* home or up+left: jump left

* shift while falling: grab onto ledge

* home or up+left: jump left

* page up or up+right: jump right

You can also use the numeric keypad.

Gamepad equivalents:

* D-Pad: arrows

* Joystick: left/right

* A: down

* Y: up

* X or triggers: shift

* Start or Back: display in-game menu

You can find more information and controls in the SDLPoP readme:

This snap is maintained by the Snapcrafters community, and is not necessarily endorsed or officially maintained by the upstream developers.

Репозиторий: Snap