Приложение: clari3d-lite-64 Welcome to the main installation package of Clari3D Lite Clari3D Lite is a 3D viewer designed for non-technical users and able to handle large 3D files with several million polygons on general public platforms. It uses a software 3D rendering engine that makes it very independent from the hardware. It can be used for mechanics, architecture, engineering or communication. Clari3D Lite works on MacOS®, Windows® and Linux®, as well as in the Web browsers and it can be integrated into third party applications using its SDK. It allows to send a 3D model by email with the 3D data and the link to the viewer embedded inside. Clari3D proposes the functionalities needed to review 3D projects, like rotation, translation and zoom, easy point of view selection and fly mode. The property tree displays the structure of the 3D files where the components can be hidden or displayed one by one. For demonstrations, the Showroom mode lets Clari3D working alone by displaying the 3D scene in various point of views. Clari3D Lite now has a built in support of the 3D SpaceMouses from 3D-connexion®. If you encounter any problem, please contact our support line, this is the only way we have to solve the it.