Приложение: Drumstick MIDI Monitor
Музыка MIDI-монитор для Linux с использованием секвенсора ALSA - Drumstick MIDI Monitor is a MIDI monitor for Linux using ALSA sequencer
[ О приложении ]
Drumstick MIDI Monitor logs MIDI events coming from MIDI external ports or applications via the ALSA sequencer, and from SMF (Standard MIDI files) or WRK (Cakewalk/Sonar) files.
It is especially useful if you want to debug MIDI software or your MIDI setup.
It features a nice graphical user interface, customizable event filters and sequencer parameters, support for MIDI and ALSA messages, and saving the recorded event list to a SMF or text file.
Репозиторий: extra
Drumstick MIDI Monitor в репозиториях другого типа: