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Приложение: dijo

dijo is a terminal based habit tracker
[ О приложении ]

**dijo is a habit tracker**.
It is curses-based, it runs in your terminal.
dijo is scriptable, hook it up with external programs to track events without moving a finger.
dijo is modal, much like a certain text editor.

**dijo official rust development repository (developed by : nerdypepper)**,

User github profile :

Source code :

For latest updates and information, please do check repository mentioned above.

**dijo snap development repository (developed by : purveshpatel511)**,

User github profile :

Source code :

For snap related updates and packages, please do visit repository mentioned above.

How to use :

1) Run dijo


2) Add new habit

`:add `

3) Remove habit

`:delete `

* **Enter** to increase the value

* **Backspace** to decrease the value

Репозиторий: Snap