Приложение: superperms Search for minimal Super Permutations Search for minimal Super Permutations as part of a distributed computing project. - Numberphile (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJGE4aEWc28) - Standupmaths (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZzIvl1tbPo) This article (https://www.quantamagazine.org/sci-fi-writer-greg-egan-and-anonymous-math-whiz-advance-permutation-problem-20181105/) in Quanta magazine also explains. The search is based upon these research papers: - Nathaniel Johnston (https://arxiv.org/abs/1303.4150) - Robin Houston (https://arxiv.org/abs/1408.5108) This snap was created by the Ubuntu Podcast community. Statistics for the search and team leaderboard (http://www.supermutations.net/ChaffinMethodResults/). To run with your team set to Ubuntu Podcast: `superperms team "Ubuntu Podcast"` The default team is "Anonymous". You can tell the program to run for a specified number of minutes, after which it will **wait to finish the current task before quitting**: `superperms timeLimit 120 team "Ubuntu Podcast"` This would tell the program to run for 120 minutes and then quit, **after it has finished its current task**. You can also enforce a stricter time limit, using the option timeLimitHard: `superperms timeLimitHard 120 team "Ubuntu Podcast"` With this the program will run for 120 minutes and quit, within about 5 minutes of that quota, **even if** it is in the middle of a task. A single client will use one CPU core, so if you want to dedicate more CPU time to the search you need to run the client multiple times - the standard is to run one client per CPU core in your PC. This app will eat batteries on a laptop or tablet computer so it is advisable not to run this on such devices if they are not plugged-into a stable power outlet. The source code for this client is on GitHub (https://github.com/superpermutators/superperm). Ongoing discussion about the search is held in the Google Group (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/superpermutators). Upstream Project: http://www.supermutations.net/ snapcraft.yaml Build Definition: https://github.com/diddlesnaps/superperms/blob/master/snap/snapcraft.yaml Источник |