Manjaro: коллекция приложений

Тип (репозиторий, формат пакета):   Application     Snap       Flatpak       Appimage  

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Приложение: Password
  Персонализация, финансы  

Strong Password for Maximum Security
[ О приложении ]

Password is a password calculator and random generator for Gnome written in Gtk/Vala.

This app calculates strong unique passwords for each alias and passphrase combination.
No need to remember dozens of passwords any longer and no need for a password manager!

The calculator can use MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and SHA512 hash algorithms in combination with HMAC.

Compatible with Linux Phone using Phosh (PinePhone, Librem 5).

Репозиторий: flathub

FlatPak: Password [Utilities]