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Приложение: Portfolio Performance
  Персонализация, финансы  

An open source tool to calculate the overall performance of an investment...
[ О приложении ]

Record the full history of your transactions: purchases, sales, taxes, fees, ...

Calculate performance indicators such as the True-Time Weighted Rate of Return or the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for your holdings.

Update historical quotes from a variety of sources: Yahoo Finance,, Quandl, or AlphaVantage.
Alternatively, scrape quotes from HTML pages or JSON documents.

All data is stored in XML for further processing and can be exported as CSV or JSON.

Rebalance your investment portfolio based on a freely defined Asset Allocation.

Keep foreign currency accounts using the exchange rates published by the European Central Bank (ECB).

Репозиторий: flathub

FlatPak: Portfolio Performance [Productivity]