Приложение: Cliniface Cliniface undertakes the visualisation, measurement, analysis, identification,... Cliniface undertakes the visualisation, measurement, analysis, identification, and reporting of phenotypic traits from 3D facial images. (or HPO terms), can then be used in concert with other phenotypic traits about a subject (e.g., behavoural or cognitive traits) to assist in diagnosing rare and genetic diseases. measurements using the landmarks to demarcate regions of interest. are then compared to existing statistics from the research literature describing how these measurements are expected to change with age for different demographic cohorts. are found to fall outside of the expected range, this may indicate the presence of certain facial traits of clinical significance. 3DF file format which embeds metadata and analytic results as structured plain text alongside the original model data saved in Wavefront OBJ format. in XML and JSON formats to allow users to undertake further analysis outside of Cliniface. Источник AppImages: Cliniface [Графика] |