alias | batch | call | cd | clock | color | echo | for | getcwd | label | loop | mkcd | pause | require | setvar | sleep | stop | storetext | tee | time | tofile | toterm | Команда: toterm sfk ... +tofile filename sfk ... +toterm save current command chain data in a file, or print it to terminal, and then clear the chain. (next command in the chain will start without any chain input data). options -append append to output file, instead of overwriting. aliases +append[to] same as +tofile -append. see also sfk addtovar append text as lines to a variable sfk tee same as tofile, toterm but also passes chain data to the next chain command (no clearing of chain). examples sfk list testfiles +toterm +run "sfk echo [Blue]done[def]" -yes list selected files on terminal, then run a completely independent command which does NOT use chain input. sfk echo hello1 +tofile output.txt sfk echo hello2 +append output.txt create a new textfile output.txt with the first command, then append further output with subsequent commands. |
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