ascii | ascii -dos | calc | cmd | data | env | fromclip | jsonform | license | number | prompt | random | ruler | spell | status | toclip | update | version | video | view | xmlform | Команда: view sfk ... +view [-noshl|-nocol] ["-..."] Show SFK command text output interactively in Depeche View, a high speed text browser and filter tool for Windows which also runs on Linux/Mac if WINE is installed. The tool allows browsing of text with soft scrolling and instant search as you type or click on words. Depeche View can also be used standalone, to browse and search all text from office 2007 files of a folder. Type sfk getdv to download Depeche View Lite now, or visit for more infos. The tool is fully portable and needs no installation. Many SFK commands allow to add +view to have their output shown instantly in DView. This requires dview, dview.exe or dview.bat being located in the PATH. If you have downloaded an executable like dview155.exe, rename it before use. DView can be run under Linux and Mac, but this is experimental and unsupported. The latest WINE version must be installed. Google for "linux wine", or search it in your package manager. use as a chain command, or to display stdin: +[f]view can be used only after another command producing a list of filenames or plain text data: +view expects text as input. +fview expects a list of filenames or HTTP URLs. or use "sfk view -i" to display text from stdin. options -nocol[or] disable colored output and display. set this if you're using dview < 1.1.4 or any other viewer. -wrap[=n] wrap lines at column n. currently, this feature disables colors (implies -nocol), but depending on the content processed, dview may still show colors based on syntax highlighting. -noshl disable syntax highlighting at dview. "-x1 -x2" all other options are passed through unchanged to the viewer application. if multiple parameters have to be passed, surround them by double quotes. -verbose tell verbosely which target binary is invoked. -noback by default, dview is run as a background process, by prefixing the overall command with "start ". say -noback to let sfk wait until dview is stopped. dview options and parameters all non sfk options and parameters are passed through, like: -tab n set tab size n (dview 1.6.3 or higher) -area 20:20:600:400 open at position 20,20 with size 600x400 -find "a text" search a text instantly -sfind "a \qtext\q" search text given with slash patterns for all dview options try: dview -help -find "all*options" temporary files this command creates a temporary file which is currently not deleted. type "sfk help options" for options on that. using a different viewer when viewing a list of files, this command runs "dview -flist tmpfilename" with tmpfilename containing a list of filenames. when viewing text line output, this command runs "dview tmpfilename" with tmpfilename containing ascii text data. specify -verbose to see what is invoked in detail. examples sfk list docs .txt +fview view content of all .txt files in directory docs. sfk echo x +view -verbose tell verbosely which dview(.exe?) executable is actually used. sfk list docs .txt +ffilter -+foo -hitfiles +fview "-max -over" view all .txt files from docs containing "foo", pass options -max -over to the viewer, showing a maximized window in overscan mode (without any title bar). sfk list docs .txt +ffilter -+foo +view "-space 0:0:40" view only text lines from docs containing "foo", in a window covering the whole desktop, except for 40 pixels at the bottom. sfk fromclip +view display current clipboard content (plain text only). tar tvf foo.tar | sfk view -i display a tar file's content listing. sfk larc -size -time -withdirs foo.tar +view the same, with sfk reading the .tar directly. sfk filter urls.txt +fview if urls.txt contains HTTP URLs like http://.100/sys/status.xml http://.100/sys/trace.xml http://.100/sys/errors.xml then dview 1.7.1 or higher will load them, allowing interactive search and filtering. sfk filt calls.txt -form "http://.100$col1" +fview if calls.txt contains paths like /sys/status.xml /sys/trace.xml /sys/errors.xml expand them like and load these into dview for interactive filtering. |
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