ascii | ascii -dos | calc | cmd | data | env | fromclip | jsonform | license | number | prompt | random | ruler | spell | status | toclip | update | version | video | view | xmlform | Команда: jsonform sfk ... +jsonform sfk jform in.json simple JSON text reformatter to allow easy reading and searching of JSON data. this command is experimental and may not be suitable to reformat JSON data intended for further processing, as lines longer than 3900 characters may be hard wrapped. options -i read text from stdin -allocmb=n use n mbytes output buffer aliases sfk jform same as jsonform see also sfk xmlform reformat XML data examples sfk jform in.json read the file in.json and print it reformatted sfk load in.json +jform the same, but get data from a previous command sfk load in.json +jform +view display in.json reformatted in Depeche View to allow easy browsing and searching sfk web http://myserver/mycall +jform call a web URL that sends a JSON reply and reformat output for easy reading. |
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