bin-to-src | chars | crlf-to-lf | csvtotab | dec | decode | detab | encode | entab | hex | hexdump | hextobin | join | lf-to-crlf | oload | scantab | split | tabtocsv | utoa | uuencode | wtoa | wtou | Команда: entab sfk entab=tabsize dir ext1 [ext2 ...] replace groups of spaces by tabs within file(s). options -to outmask do not overwrite original files, but write to output files according to outmask, e.g. -to tmp\$path\$base.$ext or -to tmp\$file -yes if files are selected, really (re)write them. without -yes, entab is only simulated. -memlimit=n process files with up to n mbytes (default=300). -nowarn do not tell about skipped or unreadable files. see also sfk scantab list files containing TAB characters. sfk help opt how to change the memlimit permanently. sfk view a text file viewer that can show all TAB characters in blue by pressing CTRL+T. web reference examples sfk entab=3 sources .cpp .hpp replace 3 spaces each by a TAB character in all .cpp and .hpp files within folder sources. sfk entab=3 singleFileName.txt the same, but only in a single file. |
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