bin-to-src | chars | crlf-to-lf | csvtotab | dec | decode | detab | encode | entab | hex | hexdump | hextobin | join | lf-to-crlf | oload | scantab | split | tabtocsv | utoa | uuencode | wtoa | wtou | Команда: split sfk split partsize inputfile [outputfilebase] [-nov[erify]] reads and splits inputfile into output files of specified size. if output files exist already, split asks if it may overwrite; specify -yes to overwrite outputs without asking. partsize syntax: 100000b , 100k = 100000 bytes 2000000k , 2000m , 2g = 2 giga-bytes if outputfilebase is omitted, outputfilenames will be: inputfile.part1 inputfile.part2 inputfile.part3 ... if outputfilebase is given, .part1 is appended to this. options -yes always overwrite existing output files. -nov[erify] no verify after split. -altsize use different method (fseek) to read the file size. -getsize=n[:d] before splitting, read file size n times with a delay of d milliseconds (default=100). -verbose be verbose about file size results etc. -buffer=xm set I/O buffer to x MB (default=100 MB). -update do not rewrite existing parts of full size. useful when splitting repeatedly a growing input file, e.g. during a download. -update implies -yes. -dig[its]=n set minimum number of digits used for the .part extension. since sfk 1.6.5, sfk join will autodetect the number of digits. if output will be joined with older versions of sfk then -digits must stay default (1). -text split at line boundaries if possible. cannot be combined with -update. performance notes the operating system may cache output files, writing to disk in background after sfk has finished. subsequent split commands may run slower, even if -noverify is used. web reference examples sfk split 2g c:\bigfish.avi d:\transfer\easy.avi splits bigfish.avi into easy.avi.part1, .part2 etc. to rejoin the files, use the sfk join command: sfk join d:\transfer\easy.avi.part1 e:\full.avi joins easy.avi.part1, .part2 etc. into full.avi |
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