bin-to-src | chars | crlf-to-lf | csvtotab | dec | decode | detab | encode | entab | hex | hexdump | hextobin | join | lf-to-crlf | oload | scantab | split | tabtocsv | utoa | uuencode | wtoa | wtou | Команда: uuencode sfk uuencode fileOrDirParms sfk sel ... +uuencode encode (binary) files as plain ascii text, for embedding in other text like email, or terminal output copied by clipboard. options -tofile f write output to file f. -quiet print no 'wrote file' info at end. -pure create no meta records. by default meta records with size, time and the crc32 checksum are written. -bslash use backslashes \ in filenames, do not change them to '/'. command chaining accepts filenames from previous commands, allowing to encode multiple files in one go. limitations embeds filename characters as is, without any codepage or utf-8 conversion. accent or unicode characters in filenames may appear wrong on target systems. aliases sfk uuenc same as uuencode sfk uuencode use uuencode format sfk xxencode use xxencode format xxencode format is recommended over uuencode as it is less likely broken by email transfer. use uuencode if the receiver only has uudecode. see also sfk uudecode extract encoded files please note the standard uudecode command on linux/mac may only extract the first file of uuencoded text, ignoring the rest. if linux/mac is the target system consider encoding a single tar or zip file, or get sfk on that system as well. examples sfk uuencode in.txt -tofile out.txt encode in.txt and write to out.txt sfk uuencode in.txt in2.txt +toclip encode two files and put into clipboard sfk uuencode mydir encode all files in mydir sfk uuencode mydir .png encode only .png files in mydir sfk dir mydir .png +uuencode same as above, but in two steps: first make a list of files to encode, and when done, append +uuencode sfk sel mydir .txt !old !save +uuencode encode all .txt files from mydir except files having old or save in their name |