addhead | addtail | count | difflines | filter | head | joinlines | linelen | load | ofilter | perline | printloop | replace | run | runloop | snapto | sort | strings | tail | xed | xex | xreplace | Команда: load sfk load in.txt +... load text or binary data for further processing within a command chain. use oload to load a single office file content like .docx .xlsx .ods .odt as plain text. options -force if file cannot be read, continue script with empty data -noerr don't show error messages about line wrapping - when sending to a command that expects text lines like sfk oload in.xlsx +filter ... then long lines or stream text will be hard wrapped at 4096 characters. - when sending to stream capable commands like xed and xex data is not wrapped. see also sfk xex load and extract any data sfk filter load and filter text lines examples sfk -var load in.txt +setvar a +tell "the #(a) test" load in.txt content into variable a, then use variable a in a combined string sfk load in.txt +sort sort the text lines of in.txt |