addhead | addtail | count | difflines | filter | head | joinlines | linelen | load | ofilter | perline | printloop | replace | run | runloop | snapto | sort | strings | tail | xed | xex | xreplace | Команда: snapto sfk snapto=outfile [-pure] [-nosub] -dir mydir1 -file .ext1 .ext2 Collect many text files into one large text file, specifying what sub folders and file (extensions) to include or exclude. The resulting file can be loaded directly by Depeche View, allowing interactive search and filtering of the content. options -office include text from office files like .docx .xlsx .ods .odt. for details see: sfk help office -justoffice reads only office files, but no plain text files. -keeputf keep UTF-8 encoding from office file contents. default is to convert to Ansi characters of your system's codepage. -fileset x instead of specifying long lists of -dir / -file statements on the command line, you may write them all into a text file, then use that. for more infos, type "sfk help fileset". -arc XE: include content of .zip .jar .tar etc. archives as deep as possible, including nested archives. XD: demo will read first 1000 bytes of each entry. -qarc quick read top level archives but not nested ones. -hidden include hidden and system files (not default). -allbin include binary files as text extract (not default). -wlbin include binaries selected by file mask white list. -binallchars when extracting text from binaries include all printable characters, like accents or non latin. -pure don't insert filenames. -pure=2 no filenames and no header. -prefix=x insert x before every file. -nometa by default, sfk adds the file system's time and size info to each :file: header. can be disabled here. note that size= may not reflect the actual bytes used within the snapfile, due to line ending conversions. -raw collect faster by adding text file content as is, without CRLF conversions, but still replacing any null or EOF bytes. skips binary files completely. -nosub or -norec does not include subdirectories (subfolders). -wrap[=n] auto-wrap long lines [near column n], e.g. -wrap=80. -stat show time stats at end. -slow run with a lower process priority. see also sfk view a GUI tool that can load and view sfk snap files directly and search them at high speed. sfk getdv instant download of Depeche View Lite (portable, no installation) to browse snap file contents. web reference examples sfk snapto=all-src.cpp . .cpp .hpp .dll !tmp includes .cpp, .hpp and even .dll text extracts, excludes all files with "tmp" in their name, e.g. tmp10.cpp sfk snapto=all-src.cpp -dir src2 !src2\old -file -all .doc includes all text files, and .doc binary extracts. sfk snapto=all-src.cpp -fileset zz-myset.txt includes whatever dirs and files are specified in the fileset definition "zz-myset.txt" (sfk help fileset). sfk select src5 .txt .exe +snapto=all.txt filenames provided by command chaining are always included, no matter if binary or not. in this case, extracts from .exe binary files are also placed into the output. sfk select -text mydir !.bak +snapto=all.txt select all text files from mydir, excluding .bak files. |