deplist | dupfind | extract | find | hexfind | md5 | md5check | md5gento | ofind | pathfind | reflist | xfind | xfindbin | xhexfind | Команда: xfind sfk xfind singleDirName "/searchtext/" sfk xfind singleFileName "/searchtext/" [options] sfk xfind -dir mydir -file .cpp .txt -text "/from/[totext/]" search in text files only using wildcards * and ? as well as SFK Simple Expressions in brackets []. the search text must be surrounded by a delimiter like / or _ or any other character not part of the search text. by default, full text lines containing hits are shown. use option -pure to show only the found text. use sfk ofind to search in office files like .docx .xlsx. use sfk xfindbin to search in text and binary files. search text can be followed by a totext to reformat output. subdirectories are included by default the sfk default for most commands is to process the given directories, as well as all subdirs within them. specify -nosub to disable this. options -nosub do not include files in subdirectories. -case case-sensitive text comparison. default is insensitive. for details type: sfk help nocase -text starts a list of search patterns of the form /src/ or /src/totext/ where / is the separator char, src the text to search for, and totext a mask to reformat output. any separator char can be used which is not part of the search text, i.e. /foo/ or _foo_ both search "foo". -text is not required if a single filename is given. -pat the same as -text, starting a pattern list. -bylist x.txt read search patterns from a file x.txt, supporting multiple lines per pattern. (add -full for more.) -bylinelist x read /from/to/ or just /from/ patterns from a file x with one pattern per line. (add -full for more.) -by(line)list does not support sfk variables. to use variables in patterns create an sfk script with patterns as parameters. "sfk script" for more. -arc XE: include content of .zip .jar .tar etc. archives as deep as possible, including nested archives. XD: demo will read first 1000 bytes of each entry. -qarc quick read top level archives but not nested ones. -firsthit show only first found pattern match per file. -tracesel tell in detail which files are searched or ignored. -quiet do not show progress infos. -names list only names of files containing at least one hit. -notnames list only names of files not containing any hit. -justrc print no search results, just set return code on hits. -full print full help text telling about -bylist pattern files, special character case sensitivity and nested or repeated replace behaviour. output options -conlines=n1 show n lines of context around search hits. by default only text lines containing one or more hits are shown. all lines together cannot hold more than: -conchars=n2 max. number of characters of all context lines together. default is 240 or n1*160. cannot be larger than 32000. -conresline show full result line but no further context (default) -sep[arator] show "---" separator between hits within a file. -septext s use separator text s (supports slash patterns \n etc.) -nosep do not show "---" separator between hits within a file. -indent=n set n chars of indentation for result display. -pure extract only searched data, same as -context=0. you may also set an environment variable: set SFK_CONFIG=xfind:pure,xfindbin:pure use -pure -tofile x to extract binary content as is. -fill=c replace binary null and other unprintable characters with character c. default is a dot "." -hex print output as hex dump instead of plain text. -showle highlight CR/LF line endings in hex dump output -nofile do not insert :file header lines in output. -crlf, -lf for file headers and default totext: force crlf or lf line endings instead of system default -filehead s file header to insert on every matching file. only [] surrounded by text can be used. default is -filehead ":file []" unless a single file is searched. cannot be used with xhexfind. to get result and name in the same line use [] in the expression, like: sfk xfind -pure -nofile mydir "/foo*bar/[]: [all]\n/" -sep s define separator s between hits in a file -rawterm on output to terminal do not strip codes below 32. null bytes are always stripped. -to dir\$file write output files to given path. for details about output file masks, type "sfk help opt" or "sfk run". -tofile x write output data to a single output filename x (which is not interpreted as a mask but taken as is). +tofile x as last parameter (command chaining): write text as displayed on terminal to a file x. -more[n] pause output every 30 or n lines. return codes for batch files 0 = no matches, 1 = matches found, >1 = major error occurred. see also "sfk help opt" on how to influence error processing. quoted multi line parameters are supported in scripts using full trim. type "sfk script" for details. wildcards and SFK expressions SFK Expressions are simple patterns containing literal text, wildcards * and ? and character classes in square brackets []. basically, the syntax provides extended wilcards but no further logic and is not related to regular expressions. search patterns are surrounded by a separator character which can be anything not contained in the search text, like / or _ within a pattern /fromtext/totext/ the fromtext may contain: * - 0 to 4000 characters in the same text line or paragraph, i.e. all bytes not being CR, LF or NULL. 4000 is just a default maximum that can be changed by: [0.100000 chars] - 0 to 100000 characters in the same text line or paragraph, i.e. the same as * but with a larger range. ? - one character. ????? - same as [5.5 chars] or [5 chars] [bytes] - 0 to 4000 bytes (with CR,LF,NULL) i.e. it collects stream text across lines, even in binary data ** - the same as [bytes]. [0.100 bytes] - 0 to 100 bytes [.100000 bytes] - up to 100000 bytes [1.* bytes] - 1 to default maximum bytes [2 chars] - exactly 2 chars [30 bytes] - exactly 30 bytes [byte of aeiou] - one vocal (a OR A OR e OR ...), case insensitive by default. "aeiou" is a character list. [byte of \\\x2f] - a backslash \ or forw. slash / [bytes of \r\n \t] - whitespace incl. line ends [bytes of (\r\n \t)] - the same, () are optional [bytes not \r\n\0] - up to 4000 bytes as long as no CR, LF or NULL byte appears [chars] - the same as [bytes not \r\n\0], i.e. collect text in a line [char not ( \t)] - same as [byte not ( \r\n\0\t)], everything not blanks and tabs [char not )( \t] - not brackets, blanks and tabs, same as not (\(\) \t) [chars of a-z0-9] - means a-zA-Z0-9 as search is case insensitive by default [chars of \x61-\x7A] - search a-z but not A-Z, or use option -case for case search [eol] - end of line by characters: CRLF or LF or CR [white] = chars of (\t ) - 0 or more whitespaces [xwhite] = bytes of (\t \r\n) - same but across lines [1 white] = byte of (\t ) - 1 whitespace [digit] = byte of (0-9) - 1 digit [digits] = bytes of (0-9) - 0 or more digits [hexdigit] = byte of (0-9a-f) - 1 hexadecimal digit [hexdigits] = bytes of (0-9a-f) - 0 or more hex digits special keywords that do not count as tokens: [skip] - at the start of a pattern: skip such text completely, do not count it as a search hit. [keep] - search also the following text but keep it in the input data, without consuming it. [ortext] - foo[ortext]bar searches word foo or bar. [ortext] is allowed only between literals. anchors that have no length of their own: [start] - start of file [end] - end of file [lstart] - line start, i.e. start or CRLF or CR or LF [lend] - logical line end, i.e. eol or end of file. to replace line ends use [eol] instead. how to search or replace special characters: - to search or replace text containing the literal characters * ? \ [ ] then these must be escaped like \* \? \\ \[ \] - ( ) are escaped only within character lists, like \( \) - to search or replace the forward slash '/' type \x2f or use another char around from/to text, e.g. _fromtext_totext_ - parameters with blanks and non trivial characters need double quotes "", see also "about Shell Command Characters" below. expansion priorities: (highest first) if two search parts are side by side, and the same input character matches both, then these priorities apply: 5: start, end, lstart, lend 4: literal text, eol 3: whitelist classes: byte of, bytes of 2: blacklist classes: chars not, bytes not 1: plain wildcards: ?, *, **, byte, bytes, chars this means in "/[bytes]foo/" the [bytes] will stop to collect characters as soon as "foo" is found, as "foo" is a literal. on same or higher priority the right side stops the left side. the totext may contain: [part 1] use first text part of the fromtext. e.g. the fromtext /*foo[.100 chars]bar*/ contains parts : 1 2 3 4 5 [part1] the same (blank is optional). [parts 1,2,3] use parts 1, 2 and 3. [parts 1-10] use parts 1 to 10. [strip(part1,\0)] use part 1 but remove zero bytes. only zero bytes "\0" can be removed. [] full input filename with path [file.relname] input filename without path [file.path] input file's path [file.base] relname without last .extension [file.ext] input filename extension [all] use all parts from fromtext. [setvar name]...[endvar] set variable "name" with data between setvar and endvar. [getvar name] fill in data from variable "name" although anchors like lstart, lend count as a separate part they need NOT be specified in the totext. this means that /[lstart]foo[lend]/bar/ just changes the word "foo". supported slash patterns \t = TAB \r = CR \n = LF \x00 = one byte with code 00 hexadecimal \0 = short form for \x00 \q = a double quote " \\ = the backslash character \ itself \[ = the bracket open character [ \] = the bracket close character ] \* = the literal star character * \? = the literal question mark ? \- = to use literal "-" in a command Within multi line -bylist files: \ = slash+blank is changed to a single blank Only within "char of" or "byte not" lists: \( = to use literal character "(" \) = to use literal character ")" SFK expression options -showpart(s) print /from/ part numbers, range statistics and expansion priority points per part. done automatically if a required /to/ text is not given with a command. -showbest if a /from/ pattern finds nothing, use this to see how many parts would match so far, and with up to how many bytes per part. anchors like [lstart] may show a non zero length when matching (CR)LF. -showlist with -bylist, show the internal joined list if commands are spread across multiple lines. -showall show all of the above. -xmaxlen=n set default maximum length for chars or bytes commands, e.g. -xmaxlen=10000 means /foo*bar/ matches with up to 10000 characters between foo and bar. the default max length without this option is 4000 characters. performance notes - always use a string literal, or single byte or char, at the start of your search expressions, like in /foo*bar/ starting with 'f'. Do not use a wildcard like * at the start like in /*foobar/ when searching huge input data, as your search will slow down by factor 256. Use /[lstart]*foobar/ instead. - the system may cache output file(s), writing to disk in background after sfk has finished. subsequent batch commands may execute slower. chaining support sfk extract output can be sent only to +xed or +xex. other commands require an xed conversion step like sfk extract ... +xed +view aliases sfk xhexfind is the same as xfind -hex to extract unmodified binary data you may use either sfk xfind -pure ... -tofile or sfk extract ... -tofile office file support sfk ofind search in .xml text file contents of office files like .docx .xlsx .ods .odt. sfk help office for more infos and options see also --- open source commands --- sfk xfind search wildcard text in plain text files sfk ofind search in office files .docx .xlsx .ods sfk xfindbin search wildcard text in text/binary files sfk xhexfind search in text/binary with hex dump output sfk extract extract wildcard data from text/binary files sfk filter filter and edit text with simple wildcards sfk find search fixed text in text files sfk findbin search fixed text in text/binary files sfk hexfind search fixed text in binary files sfk replace replace fixed text in text/binary files --- freeware commands --- sfk view GUI tool to search text as you type --- xe commercial commands --- sfk replace replace fixed text with high performance sfk xreplace replace wildcard text in text/binary files sfk help xe about SFK XE and xreplace with SFK Expressions. beware of Shell Command Characters. to find or replace text patterns containing spaces or special characters like <>|!&?* you must add quotes "" around parameters or the shell environment will destroy your command. for example, pattern /foo bar/other/ must be written like "/foo bar/other/" within a .bat or .cmd file the percent % must be escaped like %% even within quotes: sfk echo -spat "percent %% is a percent \x25" web reference about example numbers with [brackets] if you see [1] type "sfk cmd 1" for whole command in one line. bad examples with corrections if input text contains: bool bClFoo; bool bClBar ; sfk xfind in.txt "/bool[xwhite]bCl*[xwhite];/" does NOT match "bool bClFoo;" because * eats the whole input line including ";" so no input is left for "[xwhite];" and the whole expression fails. sfk xfind in.txt "/bool[xwhite]bCl[* not ;][xwhite];/" does both match "bool bClFoo;" and "bool bClBar ;". this means whenever your search fails to work write in detail which characters (not) to collect where. sfk xex in.txt "/[lstart]foo/[lstart]goo/" there is no need to write an anchor like [lstart] within totext as it contains no data. use instead: sfk xex in.txt "/[lstart]foo/goo/" sfk xex in.txt "/foo[lend]bar/goo[part2]bar/" anchors like [lend] must be at start or end of fromtext and cannot be referenced within totext. use instead: sfk xex in.txt "/foo[eol]bar/goo[part2]bar/" working examples sfk xfind -text "/class [bytes]{[bytes]}/[all]\n\n/" -dir mydir -file .hpp +tofile out.txt collect class definitions from mydir and write output indirectly (via command chaining) to out.txt [13] sfk xfind in.txt -text "/foo*bar/" search in.txt for patterns starting with foo and ending with bar, in the same line, with up to 4000 characters inbetween. sfk xfind in.txt -text "/foo*bar/" +view same as above, but show the result in the depeche view text browser tool for easy reading. sfk xhex -text "/foo[0.100000 bytes]bar/" -dir mydir search all text and binary files of mydir for patterns of foo and bar with 0 to 100000 bytes (including NULL, CR and LF) inbetween and print output as hex dump. sfk xfind -text "/printf(**);/" -dir mydir -file .cpp find all printf statements in source code, including statements across multiple lines. sfk xfind -pure -text "/foo*bar/[part2]\n/" -dir mydir -file .txt +view search foo*bar in all .txt files of folder mydir, extract the text between foo and bar without any context (-pure), and display this in dview. [15] sfk xfind -arc "/class*/" XE: find phrases starting with "class" in .zip contents XD: demo will search first 1000 bytes per .zip sub file sfk xfind mydir "/[lstart]---info---[eol]**/[part4]/" -to out\$file from all files within mydir extract text after line ---info--- writing resulting data to files in the out folder. the ** will collect up to 4000 bytes by default, use [1.100000 bytes] to collect more. sfk xfind mydir "/[skip][3 chars]-foo/" "/*/" find all lines not matching a pattern in mydir, i.e. find lines with wrong format in files. sfk xfind -pure -nofile mydir "/error:[white][digits]/[]: [all]\n/" finds text like 'error: 12345' in files of mydir, shows 'mydir\a.txt: error: 12345' in the same line. sfk xfind -names mydir "/foo/" +xfind "/bar/" run a nested search: in all files containing 'foo' find the lines containing 'bar'. sfk xfind -conlines=20 Mail\provider\Inbox "/foo 123/" search the Inbox file of an email program for all mails having 'foo 123' in their text, showing 20 lines of context. |
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